Thunder Nights⁶

222 21 1

Song Mingi

What the actual fuck? Was his first thought the moment he saw Yunho stand infront of his office door. Completely unexpected. The male had so many questions in his head. "What are you doing here?"

Yunho let himself in. He was wearing a tight black suit which hugged his body proportions perfectly and damn he looked more attractive..

"I'm your new secretary, sir." he says, bowing at the other. Mingi almost choke on his own saliva.


He almost forget he was the CEO of this company and he has everyone call him by that. But he definitely isn't used to it if Yunho calls him by Sir.

"Please feel free to call me by name.. I mean its just me and we know each other.." Mingi awkwardly explained, the other remaining unphased.

"I came by to take my assigned papers." Yunho says, completely ignoring Mingi's words which stung him in the chest.

He can't blame Yunho for acting cold towards him. He's aware of what he did to the male and only if the other could let him prove himself then things would be atleast a litte different. Less awkward and painful.

Mingi stood up before walking to the book shelf that was located in the corner of the room. Beside it was a large family portrait, the same height as Mingi and wider than most doors.

Yunho had his eyes on the portrait. Mingi's parents were sitting down, wearing expensive looking clothes. Along with Minji and Mingi standing behind them, neither of them smiling in the picture.

He found it amusing.

Yunho knew how much he hated his parents than anything in the world so he understands the stunt he pulled that time when the picture was taken. Seemingly his sister was feeling the same thing.

His thoughts were pushed to the back of his head when Mingi came infront of him. Holding a few documents along with a personal clipboard and an organizer. "Since its your first day, I'll go easy on you. You just need to sign these papers for me." he gave him a small smile.

"Whats the file organizer and clipboard for?" he asks, taking the stuff from Mingi without even looking at him.

"Every secretary this company had is always given these, you'll need it." he points out, "Feel free to call me if you have any questions with the work."

Yunho gave him a silent nod before walking back to the door. As much as Mingi wanted to stop him from leaving, he knew he couldn't give a valid reason why.

Seeing how his once loved person acts like this towards him hurts him more than anything. Yes he does want him back but the way how the other acts towards him makes him insane.

Mingi sighs once the other leaves. He walked back to his desk, sitting in his chair and place his glassed on the wooden table.

His finger crawled up to press the random button on his telephone. "Hello?" was heard from the device.

"Seonghwa." Mingi says.

"Yes boss?" Seonghwa asks.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Mingi pinched his nose bridge, "Nevermind, can you come in my office for a second?"

He heard Seonghwa letting out a teasing sound, "Yeah nah." he laughed to himself. "Sorry but I'm busy right now."

"Don't take it as a question."

"Tsk. Can't you just say it now? I'm preparing for another interview."

Mingi lets out another sign. Suddenly hearing a knock on his office door. "Fine, come around during lunch."

Seonghwa said his goodbye before Mingi hung up on him. The door opening, revealing Matt holding a coffee cup and Mingi could only roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Not pleased to see me I guess." Matt says in a sad voice with a fake pout which Mingi never wanted to punch so bad.

"The fuck is it this time." Mingi says firmly.

Watching how the other carefully placed the freshly brewed coffee on Mingi's desk, right next to his computer. "I just made you some coffee."

"I don't like coffee."

Matt chuckled, "Doesn't look like it to me."

Mingi raised his brows, "Excuse me?"

"I see you coming in and out a coffee shop, you can't fool me." Matt stepped back, smiling at Mingi who wasn't a fan of his tone.

"Watch how you talk to me." Mingi warned.

The other letting out a scoff, Mingi wasn't scaring him. "Have you seen the new worker?" he suddenly asked, changing the topic.


"Do you know him?" he raised a brow at Mingi.

Mingi shifted in his seat, his attitude was definitely getting on his nerves. "Its none of your business if I know him or not."

"So you do know him.." he says, his tone obviously showing that he was growing interested.

"Did you finish the work I gave you?" Mingi changed the topic. This bastard doesn't have to know anything about Yunho.

Matt smirked, "He's a sensitive topic, I see."

"Get the fuck out of my office before I do it myself." Mingi says, standing up from his seat and slamming his fists on the wooden table.

"Gladly." he smiled and walked out of the door without looking back at him. Mingi had to pace around the room to calm his frustration and it wasn't helping.

He firmly took the cup of coffee Matt had given him and took a small sip. Spitting it out almost immediately, "Fucker put salt instead of sugar.." he cursed under his breath, throwing the drink in the bin.

Without hearing a knock, the door opened. Mingi turned his head to see Seonghwa, "I thought you had an interview?"

"Your rants come first." Seonghwa deadpanned.

Mingi sighs.

"So what did you call me in for?"

"Are you behind all of this bullshit?"

page 18

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