Exchanged Pain³

150 13 68

Jeong Gunho

"You're coming over tonight right?" Roger asks him as they walked to their class. Gunho had a spare hour right after Math class so he just walks along with him but will probably end up in the library afterwards.

"Ofcourse, my brother already knows." they stopped by his locker as he took out his book and exchanged it with his notebooks, "Its sad that you won't be able to attend the fieldtrip though."

Roger chuckles at his friend, "Its fine dude, we can hang out after our final exams."

"I guess so." he shrugs while smiling, eyes wandering around the corridor to see Minji approaching. Headphones plugged in, her attention on the journal she was holding. Scribbling something down.

Gunho has seen that journal before. It was the same one she took when she cried. Ofcourse he couldn't get that event out of his mind, he does believe that he has something to do with what had happened.

Only if he wasn't so dense he would know the reason, or if Minji was encouraged enough to admit it.

"You good?" Roger caughts him off guard.

Gunho tries to hide the mysterious blush on his face, "Yeah ofcourse-"

"Not to make this sound strange, but dude I think you like her." his friend teasingly nudged his side.

"I mean, she's very nice-"

"Nice enough to be your future girlfriend?" Roger cooes.

Gunho huffed, "Oh shut up."

Minji as his girlfriend? Well she technically is.. his fake girlfriend. God what was he thinking.

Minji looked up from her journal as she reached her locker. Flashing Gunho a warm smile. Roger immediately lets out a teasing sound, "Got yourself someone, I see~"

"I don't mind her being my girlfriend though." he smiled to himself like an idiot.

"You're obviously inlove dude."

I don't mind if its going to be her..

"I better head to class." Roger says with a cheeky smile to Gunho when he sees Minji closing her locker and stepping towards them.

Without notice, the other male left fast as a lightning bolt. Leaving Gunho's heart to race when she stands infront of him.

"I'll see you around." she smiled up at him, going on her toes to fix the hair that was standing infront of his eyes before ruffling it messy.

Gunho giggles at the action, this was actually the first time he saw her this gentle and affectionate. Somethings got into her, he thinks. "Good luck on your exam."

Minji raised her brows at him, "How did you know?"

"May or may not have your schedule." he playfully shruggs.

She huffed, "I'll catch you later."

It was Math class and he was alone, Minji had a different schedule from him during Thursdays which means he will not be attending this class with her until Monday and Wednesday.

He was sitting beside his male classmate who was sleeping through the entire discussion. It felt like only Gunho was actually paying attention to the lesson. He never liked Math, but he did like the teacher before until the incident the other day.

"So who can tell me how to get the factors of x in this problem?" he points on the chalkboard with his long yellow chalk.

Gunho analyzed the problem. It was hard to understand for the others, seeing how they started reacting to the statement on the board. Some of then grabbed their hair in frustration, sigh of giving up and denial, some of them just ended up hitting their foreheads on the wooden table.

"What about you Gunho? I can see you're analyzing the problem well." the teacher points the chalk towards him.

"The answer is 71." Gunho blurts out.

"That's correct, now will you solve on the board?"

Everyone started muttering and mumbling, watching Gunho stand up from his seat and started solving the question on the board. The teacher was very impressed afterwards, monitoring his solution. "I'm impressed, you're the only one who solved this problem, I'm giving you 5 points for that.

Gunho did end up at the library after his class, his butt sitting on the chair for half an hour without even standing up. He was reading one of his favorite books that Yunho had gifted to him as a birthday present last year.

Although his birthday was nearing, something about it doesn't feel as exciting as it was when he was still a child. Ever since their parents left, things haven't been the same anymore.

Was it because of that? Or just because he was growing older? He actually wishes he didn't see that white hair on his head the other day.

Just then when he thought he was alone, someone slammed their notebook right beside him before taking a seat. He looks up to the person to see Tina.

"I was impressed at how good you solved the problem earlier in class, I was wondering if you could help me with this problem." she opened her notebook, showing Gunho what she was talking about.

He felt some slight discomfort at their closeness that he had to scoot his seat away from hers, "But Sir. Hwang didn't give anything to answer-"

"I know, but I just want to learn how to solve this."

With trembling hands, Gunho packed his books back inside his bag. "Sorry, but I can't help you. I have other things to do-"


His attention turned behind them to see Minji. Arms crossed over her chest while death glaring at Tina who just stared at her boringly.

"Minji, thank god." he whispers to himself in relief, standing up faster than light to atand beside her.

"I'm hoping you have a good reason for approaching him." Minji raised a brow at Tina's words.

"And you dare to speak up?" Minji fired.

"I mean who are you to him, its not like you own him." Tina bit back.

Minji's heart dropped, she was right though. She had no reason to act this way. She had no right to treat Gunho like he's hers, they're not together. Its all fake and she forgot that nobody knows about it.

"Let's leave Gunho."

Tina stood up, "And you think he's going to follow you?" She confidently says, eyeing Gunho up and down. He would be lying if he said he was comfortable with that.

"Oh yeah? Watch him."

page 45

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