Chapter 13

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Part of me wanted to pretend I didn't hear what I heard, but another part of me decided that I had to get up.

"What!?" I shouted, pushing myself out of Etho's arms so I was sitting up.

I reached over to turn my lamp on, luckily it was on the other side of the bed so Etho could grab me again.

Etho had his mask off so I could see his face. "Was it not obvious?" Etho said, he was about to get up. I assumed because he thought I was mad about it.

I grabbed Etho's wrist so he couldn't get up. "I- no-! But I- just don't go-!" I stammered, I didn't want him to leave but I didn't know what to say.

"Joel, I buy you stuff all the time, I bought us matching plushies, I took care of you while you were sick while you were hurt, I've flirted with you multiple times!"

I kinda thought more about Etho's actions "okay- so maybe I didn't realize that but it doesn't matter!" i was trying to stay calm but Etho was making me mad? Idk.

"I'm going home." Etho stood up to leave, yanking his wrist away from me. "You can't-! It's almost 2 am!"

"Well I don't wanna stay here and make you uncomfortable!" Etho said, grabbing his mask from the bedside table.

I knew I had to say something fast before he left "I- EEFO I LIKE YOU" i felt my face heat up after blurting that out.

"You do?" Etho responded, I could see his face light up. "Yeah" I crossed my arms over my chest.

But suddenly Etho jumped on top of me, he was hugging me like I was about to die. "Agh! You're gonna kill me!" I couldn't deny I enjoyed being hugged tho.

Etho didn't let go of me, even after I tried to hit him. "Nuh uh, I'm never letting go" Etho giggled.

I gave up and let Etho hug me, even though I HATED IT (he loved it) "go to bed I'm tired" I smacked Etho's head

I fell back asleep pretty quickly, it was 2 am after all. Etho was like a weighted blanket, I swear that man is crazy.

When I woke up Etho wasn't on top of me anymore, so I could freely get up. Until I realized he had his arms wrapped around me.

God this guy is so clingy.

Good thing for me, I wasn't going to school either way! >:(

I wanted to get up tho, but Etho wouldn't let go. "Eefo I wanna shower let go-" I whispered, I finally broke free.

When I got out of bed it was 8, so we missed the bus either way. I went over to my closet, I grabbed a towel and clothes so when I get out of the shower I can change in the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door, I set my towel down onto the toilet and my clothes on the sink counter.

,(woah more cool shower time? While joel is showering take some time to drink some water)

(Watch the video above while you drink your water!!?)

Once I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around myself to dry off a little. Once I was mostly dry I put my clothes on.

Which was a kakashi shirt, and black shorts. And obviously my normal hoodie with hearts on it.

I stepped in front of the mirror and blow dried my hair. When I was done I didn't admire myself in the mirror...I went straight out of the bathroom.

He saw Etho sitting outside of the door. "I- was this necessary?" I asked, stopping before I hit Etho with the door.

"Hm yeah" Etho nodded. Moving out of the way and sitting back down on Joel's bed.

"So y'know how this is the second time you've spent the night at my house?" I said, throwing my dirty clothes into the laundry basket.

"Yeah?" Etho said, tilting his head a little bit. "Can I see your house?" I asked turning to face Etho.

"Oh- I don't think that's a good-" I cut Etho off before he could finish, "pleeeaaaassseee??" I begged.

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