Chapter 20

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I think tomorrow is the day I go back to school, I've been absent for like 2 weeks.

I'm still not hanging out with them tho, buying me excessive gifts won't change anything. I don't want their money.

I laid back down after I was done eating, and fell back asleep.

I woke up at a good time to get ready, I got dressed.

I woke up at a good time to get ready, I got dressed

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(He's wearing something like this)

Then I went to the bathroom and styled my hair a little bit, I didn't admire myself in the mirror. I don't like looking at myself anymore.

I grabbed my skate board, cause I don't wanna ride the bus with Etho and started to skateboard to school.

Once I got to school I saw Pearl walking to school. "Hey pearllyyy" I said in a sing song voice while riding past her.

She started running after me, which made me laugh. I stopped paying attention to the skate board and fell.

Pearl had caught up to me by time I fell, instead of being hurt. Both of us started laughing, I tried to get up but I did scrape my knee pretty bad.

"My legs are broken...your gonna have to carry me" I put my hand on my head and pretended to be a damsel in distress.

Pearl grabbed a bandaid from her bage and slapped it on my knee "OW!" I squeaked, she giggled.

"Cmon, get up." She reached her hand out, then she helped me up. "Can I ride you skate board?" Pearl begged.

"Sure why not" I stepped away from my skate board to let her on. While she started riding around on it, I saw a car pull up to the school.

It was awfully early for a student to show up that's not walking, and it's way too late for a teacher to be coming.

I saw Etho and Bdubs get out of the car, I tried to get Pearl to leave the area we were in before they came over but I was too late.

Etho didn't say anything to me, I didn't say anything to him. Pearl continued riding my skate board, we were all waiting at the front of the school.

I listened to bdubs drool over Etho like he was all that. etho really isn't all that. I rolled my eyes and moved away from them.

Pearl got off to let me get on, I started skating around. Then Pearl stopped me.

"I just had a genius idea! What if we both got on the skate board at once!" Pearl sounded excited.

Etho looked like he was gonna say something but never did.

"I think you're a genius" I grinned, Pearl got on behind me. She held onto me and we started trying to skate.

Bdubs rolled his eyes at us.

We fell over when we hit a rock, "Pearl your idea sucked!" I was jokingly yelling at Pearl. "hey! You called me a genius!"

We got up, she put a bandaid on my hand and elbow. She fell on top of me so she didn't need any bandaids.

"Maybe we should stop with the skateboard" I offered, I was starting to forget Etho was there.

Pearl nodded, and I leaned it against one of the pillars of the school. We had a while until we could go inside.

"Wanna record a Tiktok with me?" I heard bdubs shout to Etho.

I felt a little jealous, but why do I care. I'm not seeing Etho anymore, he can be with whoever he wants.

Me and Pearl went to the other side to get away from them. I opened my phone to take a picture with Pearl.

When I realized Etho followed us, "what do you want?" I said flatly. "I- nevermind." Etho walked away and went back to bdubs.

Me and Pearl took our pictures, and I posted them to my insta. Then we just chatted.

I'll be honest, I'm starting to care less about Etho and the others.

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