Chapter 17

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Before I could slam the door shut, Etho stuck his foot in the door. Not wanting to hit him I kept the door open. "what."

Jimmy cleared his throat "we, we don't think we should be friends anymore" Jimmy said.

"Jimmy were cousins! What do you mean!" I was trying not to scream, and I think Tango was noticing. I'm surprised the one I just became friends with cares more.

"Well, not exactly that..we just think we should take, a little bit of a friendship break-!" Tango said, trying to be reassuring.


"Fuck you. All of you." I slammed the door, not caring Etho's foot was still in the door. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.

Why do I care so much. I have more friends. I don't need them. I ran up to my room, as fast as I could. I heard them still knocking at my door but I didn't care.

I slammed my bedroom door shut, I grabbed the book off my desk and threw it. I was just throwing random things. I grabbed the plushie Etho bought me and ran downstairs.

I grabbed a plastic bag, and put it in the bag. I opened the door, wiping my tears away before they knew I was crying. "Take your stupid toy back." I shoved the bag into Etho's arms.

He tried to talk to me, but I slammed the door shut. Forgetting he has a key to my house.

Then I went back upstairs to find more of the gifts from Etho. The kakashi shirt I threw in a box, the locket I threw in the box, the bag i threw in the box, the picture of me and Etho i threw in the box.

Then I taped the box shut, and stuffed it under my bed. I was crying again. My room was trashed.

I didn't realize Etho was standing in the doorway, "Joel..?" Etho's voice was shaky. I tried to wipe my tears away but they wouldn't stop.

"Go away asshole." I tried not to make it obvious I was crying, but the tears wouldn't go away. "Are you-" before Etho could finish, I turned to him.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him downstairs, I shoved him out the door. But he wouldn't let go of my wrist. "Joel please, I need to talk to you."

"Why? To tell me we're over? Well guess what, I kinda got the hint." I shouted, it was raining outside now.

"No-" Etho started.

"Then I don't want to hear it." I cut him off, I hate how I still care about him. Even tho he took his ex's side over mine.

"Joel it's important!" Etho sounded distressed, well I didn't care. I grabbed an umbrella, and shoved it into his hand. "Sense you think I only want you for your money, and your shitty gifts. Take my gift, and don't come back."

I slammed the door, I didn't care Etho still had a key. If he came back in id just scream more, and he knew that.

He started blowing up my phone, so I turned my phone on silent mode. I went up to my room, and locked my bedroom door. Sinking into the bed where me and Etho used to lay.

I didn't go to school the next day, or the day after that. In fact I didn't go for the rest of the week. I couldn't pull myself out of bed.

On Saturday, Grian and Jimmy stopped by. Etho had given them the key, tho they couldn't get into my room they tried to talk through the door.

"Joel, please come out" Grian begged.

I remained silent.

"We want to see if you're okay," Jimmy added. "I- I'm sorry about Wednesday-"

I remained silent. I don't want to hear my own voice.

"Joel please, were worried about you. Everyone is, Etho is, Tango is, Pearl and Martyn are" Grian pleaded

I remained silent. I don't want them to hear my voice.

"Joel, our mom wants to know if you're okay too" jimmy said.

I remained silent. They don't deserve to hear my voice.

"We can leave if you want.." Grian spoke a little quieter.

Then I heard footsteps, then I heard the front door shut.

I miss Etho.

Boatboys // SmallethoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz