Chapter 11

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I saw the hurt in Etho's face, but I could honestly care less. Why was he being like this, he kisses me and then he leaves me like I'm nothing!

Once I was in the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. What did that other guy have that I didn't?

I'm taller, more handsome, I'm stronger, I'm awesome!

I heard someone come into the bathroom but I ignored it. Until the person tried to grab me, I slapped their hand away.

Then I realized it was Etho, I glared at him and then went back to looking at myself in the mirror.

"Why are you mad at me?" Etho pleaded, trying to turn me towards him.

"Oh I dunno, maybe because you kiss me and then you leave me like i don't matter?" I hissed at Etho.

"Why do you care who I hang out with! Plus I already told you, kissing you was an accident!" Etho was starting to get mad and I could tell.

"Maybe I didn't want it to be an accident!" I shoved Etho aside and ran out of the bathroom. I went straight back into the cafeteria and sat down with Grian.

Jimmy and Tango had left. Grian could tell I was upset again. "Are you actually okay.?"

I wanted to cry, but I refused to. "I did something stupid." I cupped my face in my hands.

"Well, what did you do?" Grian asked, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Well, Eefo followed me to the bathroom. And we kinda got into an argument, and we got onto the topic of him kissing me. And I said 'maybe I didn't want it to be an accident'"

"Oh Joel" Grian sighed, he slipped under the table so we were sitting next to each other properly.

"That's not even the worst part, me and Etho have redstone and math together. Plus! Were partners for our redstone project."

Grian smiled a little bit. "I'll be honest with you Joel, this is how me and Scar started dating. Well not exactly, but it was pretty similar"

"Well that's different, Scar likes you. etho doesn't like me" I groaned.

"Are you sure about that? I was gonna interfere or anything but...." Grian opened his phone and showed me his texts with Etho.

It was all of Etho asking him for advice with me? This has gotta be a prank.

"Haha very funny." I tried to swipe left cause I thought it was an image, but it didn't swipe. "You're joking, right?"

"Joel I wouldn't joke about this right now"

"Yes you would"

"Okay I would, but right now I'm not joking!"

"Well if Eefo actually liked me, why didn't he sit with me today?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"He was asking Cleo for advice" Grian shrugged.

"Then who-" I tried to start talking but was interrupted by the bell. I didn't wanna go to art class so I would just skip in the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom, and sat inside one of the stalls. I had my phone on silent so I was just playing a game.

I got a text from Etho.

Kakashi wannabe:
"Joel I have to tell you something"

"Go away."
"I don't wanna talk to you."

Kakashi wannabe:
"Please it's important!!!"

"Fine. Do you wanna tell me in person or over text?"

Kakashi wannabe:
"In person please"

"I'm in the bathroom by the lunch room"

Kakashi wannabe:
"On my way"

I got out of the stall to wait for Etho, he walked in with Scott. I raised an eyebrow at scott being here.

"Ew why is Scott here?" Scott and I have never really gotten along, so yeah...

"Uh, Scott's my emotional support. Cleo can't come into the guys bathroom" Etho said, he sounded hella nervous.

"Spit it out ready before we get caught skipping class." I was still a little mad at Etho but after what Grian said I couldn't help but hope.

Etho took a deep breath. "I- uh. I'm sorry- for earlier." Scott looked upset at Etho. "Dude!" Scott hit Etho's shoulder.

I was disappointed it wasn't what I wanted to hear. "It's alright. Just..sorry for yelling at you as well."

Etho nodded and him and Scott left. I was mad and upset at the same time. I wanted Etho to like me, but it straight up felt like he didn't.

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