Chapter 25

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When I woke up Etho was playing with my hair, I didn't want to move or make it obvious I was awake because it was relaxing tbh.

I didn't know what time it was, but I honestly didn't care. I was comfortable, like I was laying on clouds.

I felt Etho pull me up a little, he pulled me up so that I was laying in his lap. He was clinging onto me like I was about to die.

I decided to say something because he was squeezing me now, "Uh, Eefo-?" I kinda mumbled a little bit.

"uh-! Nothing UHhh I thought I saw a spider on you so I was trying to get rid of it!" Etho kinda pushed me off of him.

I laughed, "Awhhh, are you embarrassed~?" I put one hand on each cheek, laying on my stomach while kicking my feet in the air.

Etho put his hand on my face and pushed me down, "oh shut up" I could tell Etho was smirking under the mask tho.

"Shut me up yourself" I did the eye row raise at Etho, I saw the few bits of Etho's face turn red.

Etho grabbed my shoulders and moved me so I was closer to him. "Say you wanna be near me without saying you wanna be near me" I smirked

"Keep talking, I dare you" Etho shit me that same glare that always freaked me out, I knew he meant it in a joking way but God it was still terrifying.

I did the little lip sealed motion before I turned onto my side, I reached out to grab my pillow.

Etho didn't let me grab the pillow, instead he grabbed onto me. "And I thought you didn't w-" I started again.

Etho shot me the glare again and I shut up.

This idiot was gonna make me fall asleep again, I DON'T WANNA SLEEP EEFO...

* AHHH, I'm sorry for another short chapter! I genuinely just have no ideas, but I don't wanna end the story cause I enjoy writing these. If you have any ideas feel free to comment them, all ideas are appreciated!

Another thing, thank you all so much for this love and support! I know I don't really show it but all these comments mean so much to me, they're all so motivational.

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