Chapter 30

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I haven't seen Grian in a while, maybe I should try and talk to him before the study hall is over.

I started to look for Grian, as I missed my bad boy bestie.. I found him in an empty classroom with two other kids.


One of the kids had a bright blue shirt with what looked to be a 'T' on the back, and the other one had a bunny hat on.

Grian looked nervous, and the other kids didn't seem too nice. they seemed a little aggressive, should I step in and say something?

I stepped into the classroom, "Hiya, everyone having fun?" I walked over to Grian, and stood next to him. leaning against one of the desks and glaring at the guy with the bunny hat.

"Greon, whose that?" bunny boy said, he reached for his bag but the blue shirt kid smacked his hand away.

I cringed at the way this guy said Grian, it's so annoying oh my God.

"Uh- I- this uhm-, is my cousin- and uh, best friend- Joel" Grian stammered, making it more obvious he wasn't too happy seeing these guys.

Grian started pulling at his jumper before he spoke again. "Joel this is Sam," he pointed at the bunny boy "And that's Taurtis" he pointed at the blue shirt kid.

" guys friends?" I crossed my arms over my chest, the more I was around these nerds the more annoyed I got.

"Of course we are!" Sam beamed, grabbed Grian's shoulders and tugged him closer "Been best friends since he studied in Japan with us!" Taurtis added.

Grian didn't say anything, or do anything about Sam grabbing him. But it was obvious he didn't like it.

"Uh-huh, and why are you here now?" I tilted my head a little to the side.

"Well to see greon of course!" Sam said, in an awfully cheerful tone. He slapped Grian on the back as well which I hated.

"Maybe we should get the rest of our group, I'm sure they would *love* to meet you!" I was trying not to make it obvious how much they were making me mad.

"Oh, we would love to meet Grian's friends!" Taurtis smiled.

"Oh I don't think-" Grian tried to talk, but Sam just pinched his arm. And it was one of the small pinches that hurt.

"Y'know what. After school, meet us at the park and we can all meet up! But until then, I'm afraid Grian should come with me so that the surprise isn't ruined!" I grabbed Grian's jumper and started to walk out of the room.

The kids didn't look too happy, but they didn't say anything back.

Once me and Grian were far enough, I asked him what the hell was going on. "alright what was that?"

Grian looked like he was about to cry, I didn't know what to do, I just stood there like a fool. Grian wrapped his arms around me and held me like he was about to die.

"Uhh- do you...want me to find Scar-?" I'm not good with this emotional stuff, so maybe Scar would help.

While I was walking to go find Scar, it made me realize that I can't tell Grian what's going on cause it'll just stress him out more.

I bumped into someone while walking, as I wasn't paying attention to what was around me. "Ah- sorry-" When I looked up at the person he looked excited.

"No no it's fine, just be more careful" The voice sounded horrifyingly familiar, once the person was gone I realized who they sounded like. The person who kept calling me!

It's gotta be a coincidence right? I mean maybe the phone changed the person's voice and they don't actually sound like that!

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