Chapter 6

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We all piled into Grian and Tim's mom's car, sadly this time I wasn't sitting next to Etho... We were on other sides of the car but whatever

Grian was sat in front with his mom, I was squished next to the door with Tango and Jimmy in the middle. Etho was squished against the other door.

"Personally I think Joel and Tango should switch cause y'know, Joel is the smallest" Etho said

I couldn't tell if he meant that in a rude way, or if he just wanted to sit next to me. Or maybe both I don't know.

"IM NOT THAT SMALL?" I shouted. "Joel, lower your voice please" my aunt responded "my bad" Grian is right, I only say sorry to Etho.

"I'm literally not the smallest, Grian is way shorter than me" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Or do you just wanna sit by me that bad Etho?"

Suddenly Jimmy pushed me a little bit so him and I had switched spots, then Tango and I switched so I was next to Etho.

"I officially hate this now" I said, re crossing my arms over my chest. Etho hugged me "no you don't"

I felt my face get hot again "I- get off me!" I tried to get Etho away, I knew he was only doing it for a joke but. IWJHDJWOSHDNEOBE

Etho did eventually let me go, I was relieved and disappointed at the same time.

I leaned over to see what Grian was doing in the front seat, and as usual...he was texting his lovey dovey boyfriend!

I just realized, Tango and Jimmy are dating, Grian and Scar are dating. Grian invited Scar to the arcade with us...


I leaned over to whisper to Etho "Eefo, you and I are like, sixth wheeling right now"

"Or we could just date" Etho said in like a cringe flirty tone

"Haha...funny joke Eefo" my face was hot, I really really super duper hope he was joking

"Nah I'm just kidding" Etho said

I sighed, again I felt relieved but disappointed at the same time. I wanna date Etho, but I also don't.

We pulled up to the arcade, we all got out of the car but then my aunt pulled Grian and Jim towards her.

She whispered something to them, probably about being safe or whatever. And then we went inside.

"Sooo, Eefo you gonna buy me my game card?" I said, I meant it in a joking way. Cause I didn't mind taking Tim's card.

"Of course your Majesty" Etho said, doing a little bow at me. "oh I was just- y'know what nevermind" I was gonna tell him I was joking but free is free.

(They are at round1 btw!!)

Etho handed me my card "thank youuuuu" I said, I'm so humble and grateful!

Scar arrived a little after Grian bought his card, then they ran off to play games.

And I think you guys know what Jimmy and Tango are doing😐

That left me and Etho to go off and hang out, again. thanks Grian.

"I bet I can beat you at the dance game" I smirked at Etho, "oh you wish" Etho responded. Then we ran towards the machines.

We both swiped our cards "okay which song do you wanna do?" Etho said looking at me.

His eyes are pretty.

"Uh- I dunno, you can choose" why am I like this.

Etho chose the randomizer and it picked a song for us. I saw Etho pull his mask down to play. I didn't wanna stare or anything so I just looked down at my feet.

When the game started I had to look up, but I can avoid looking at him the best I can.


"NO, I HAVE 1,670 POINTS!"

"WH- HOW!? I ONLY HAVE 870?"


We finished after like ten thousand years ( ten minutes ) I got off the machine as soon as I could, panting like a dog who had just run for an hour.

Etho still had his mask off, which was weird because he always had it on.

"Eefo, just letting you know your mask is off- like just in case you forgot" I still haven't seen him without it. I don't wanna look if he's not comfortable so I just stared at my feet.

"Do you want me to put it back on?" Etho responded "Uh- I. er- don't care" I was SO NERVOUS

I heard Etho chuckled "Joel, you can look at me without the mask on" I slowly looked up.


I felt my face heat up again, and kinda just stared for a moment "let's go play the zombie game" Etho grabbed my arm and pulled me over to a kid game.

"Of course this is the game the kakashi wannabe wants to play" I picked up one of the guns after swiping my card and THE GUN SHOT WATER.

"What if I just shoot you?" I said turning to Etho with the gun "nOoOOOo" Etho said dramatically.

"But, I won't cause I'm just so nice"

"Sure you are buddy."

In the game we picked a map, and then had to shop zombies with the water blaster thingys. This time I beat Etho:D

"Hah! I win!" I said as I jammed the gun back into the gun holder. "Yeah beat me at the kids game" Etho giggled

I rolled my eyes, then ran over to a claw machine "LOOK EEFO ITS YOU!" I pointed at the kakashi plush in the vending machine.

"I'll win it for you, cause you admire me so much" Etho swiped his card, and started trying to get it. "God you suck at claw machines"

It took Etho like 7 tries to get the plush, he handed it to me and said. "So you never miss me" I knew he was joking but like. STOP IT.

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