Chapter 12

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I skipped art, and thought about skinning redstone but I didn't wanna get in trouble so I sucked it up and went.

I was dreading being with Etho, but at the same time I didn't wanna be apart from him.

While I was walking to class I felt sick, I ignored it for the most part. But once I actually got to class I felt like I was gonna throw up.

(Casually makes today the worst day for Joel, but trust it gets better for him)

I sat down next to Etho, cause we sat together for the project. I felt dizzy and crap, my vision kept going blur and I was sweating.

"Are you okay?" Etho whispered, the room was cold so that's how I assumed he knew something was up.

I couldn't form the words to respond so I just nodded "mhm" and then put my head on the table.

But that wasn't enough for Etho, he went over to the teacher and asked him something. Whatever he asked got us to leave the room.

Etho gently helped me up from my desk, it felt like I was walking in high heels because I couldn't walk straight.

While Etho was helping me stay up through the halls, I kept bumping into his side. "Eefo..I'm fine really-" I tried to dismiss it to save the trouble but Etho wouldn't let it go.

Etho took me to the clinic, where he helped me lay down on those oddly uncomfortable but comfortable beds.

We talked to the nurse for a few minutes, she didn't know if she could let Etho go home with me. But he kept insisting.

He probably didn't wanna stay in school cause it's so boring here.

The nurse let him go with me because he would 'take care of' me, Etho had me call my aunt and she picked us up at the school.

"Do you want me to drive you to my house or-" my aunt started to ask "uh no, Joel's house will be fine" Etho nodded.

She dropped us off and Etho got me inside, he took me up to my room and laid me down.

I was tempted to pull him down with me, but after what happened I don't think he would like that.

Y'know, I'm doing it anyways?!

Etho tried to walk away to get me water, but I couldn't let go of his wrist. Probably just a part of being sick......"don't goo..." I was kinda mumbling but it was hearable.

Etho sighed and walked back over to the bed* "Joel I have to get y-" while he was talking I pulled him down.

"Never mind!" Etho laid down next to me. Okay I think this was just me being sick, but I was holding onto Etho like my life depended on it.

I must've fallen asleep while laying with Etho, because I woke up at 1 am. Etho was still there! But now there was water on the bedside table.

I was thirsty so I reached over for the water. I had to reach over Etho to get it, and Etho was still asleep he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. He rolled over onto his side, like I was his stupid stuffed animal.

My face started to heat up though, BECAUSE I WAS SICK. Totally.....

I couldn't really move with Etho holding me so I just let him, especially since I thought he was still asleep.

"What time is it Joel...?" I heard Etho mumble, which baffled me because why was he still holding me if he was awake. "I-i it's uhm-"

Etho kinda squeezed me and pulled me closer. I'm so lucky my parents skiddadled....

Actually where are my parents? Is that just not gonna get brought up and it's just safe to assume there out at bars all night?

Moving on I guess.

Etho went back to sleep and I could tell by he breathing, but I couldn't fall back asleep.

So I just laid there, still thirsty but I fell into an Etho trap and couldn't get back up.

I felt way better tho, like I wasn't dizzy, I could see just fine, my stomach didn't hurt. I wonder why that happened.

I realized it was still a school night, I groaned. Even though I wasn't sick anymore I'm not going to school. I reached for my phone.

But sleep Etho grabbed my arm, jeez this guy is making it hard for me to do anything right now.

This guy's just obsessed with me.

I could've sworn Etho was asleep, but when I rolled back over his eyes were open. HE WAS AWAKE!?

"AH!" I yelped, Etho patted my head "go back to bed Joel, you said it yourself. It's 1 am." Etho pulled me back.

"Alright-" I did feel tired. I started to fall asleep again. Until I heard Etho whisper something when he thought I was asleep.

"I love you"

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