Chapter 8

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I kicked my legs trying to get Etho to put me down "EEFO PUT ME DOWN" I tried to kick him again but the way he was holding me made it hard to.

"If you keep screaming someone's gonna think I'm kidnapping you!" Etho laughed, still not putting me down.

I stopped kicking and screaming, to be honest I enjoyed the princess treatment. "Fine, but only cause I don't wanna get in trouble."

Etho set me down once we got to the ice cream place, he let me order him something as a surprise. I got us milk shakes.

Etho paid and we started to walk up to the park, I got a text and opened my phone. it was a text from Grian. 'enjoying your date with your boyfriend?'

My face turned bright red, I quickly shut my phone off so Etho didn't see but I was too late. "Who was that?" etho asked.

"Uh- uhm- nobody-! Must've been the wrong number!" I put my phone back into my pocket. And Etho continued to talk about whatever he was talking about, I just liked hearing his voice.

I took a sip from my milkshake and noticed I had more sprinkles then Etho "hah! How does it feel to have less sprinkles loser!" I looked up at Etho, still walking.

Etho was about to respond when I tripped and dropped my milkshake. "Karmas a b...should've known better" Etho said. I knew exactly what he was quoting.

"Let me have a sip of your milkshake or I'll cry" I said, then Etho handed me his. "You can have it" AGAIN ETHO, I WAS JOKE JOKING.

I took the milkshake from him "thank you" I didn't wanna make eye contact after that so I just stared at the trees while Etho kept talking.

We got to the park and I sat down on one of the swings. "Eefo, will you push me?" I said, leaning back in the swing to look at him.

"You're taking princess treatment to another level, but sure." Etho chuckled, and then started to push me.





After Etho'd last response I jumped off the swing, and ran to tackle him to the ground. "I AM NOT SHORT!"

Etho ran from me

I chased Etho till we got to the basketball court, that's when disaster struck..

I tripped on my shoe lace that came undone when I tripped over the rock. I slid across the pavement like a frisbee.

I kinda just didn't say anything, and I didn't know why. I wanted to cry but didn't cause Etho was there.


Etho ran over to me "I'm sorry Joel! Are you alright?" He gently pulled my hand off my side which I had also scraped. He pulled up my sweater and shirt a little bit to look at it.

"Alright, I'm taking you home" Etho said, moving to pick me up again.

I backed away "no it's fine, I'm fine." Etho could tell I wasn't fine by the shake in my voice from the fall.

"You might say you're fine, but your cuts need disinfectant." Etho said in a more sturn tone.

Etho picked me up and carried me home. (Joel was wrong, this is a cliche love story)

Once we got back to my house he brought me to the downstairs bathroom, he sat me down on the toilet and started looking for disinfectant.

He grabbed disinfectant and bandaids "heads-up, this might sting." Etho applied some of the disinfectant to my cuts. It didn't hurt that bad but still kinda stung.

After he did the same thing to the other cuts + putting the bandaids on he patted my head "there there..."

I stayed silent for a moment before saying "thank you Eefo." Etho glanced down at his phone. "Ah, I gotta go home. I'll see you tomorrow at school." And with that Etho left.

I went up to my room and crawled into bed, I opened my phone to reply to Grian.

"How did you know we were hanging out"
"and he's not my boyfriend"
"And it wasn't a date."

"I drove past you guys;)"


"Sureeee....but you should know I think Etho likes you, he asked me where you lived'


I shut off my phone, no way Etho liked me. He's just a friend. Plus he's just joking when he does those things, right? I mean how could he like me. We've known each other for like 3 days. But then again I like him.

This is so weird.

Sorry this one's shorter! I have stuff to do with my family, and I still wanted to post a chapter!

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