Chapter 24

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I heard the bell ring, so I put my plastic container into my lunch pale and grabbed my trash.

I stood up and threw my trash away.

I said bye to Etho and I went to my art class, our class was doing an assignment to paint a picture of your favorite person.

I didn't wanna just draw Etho, because I wanted to draw Pearl and Martyn, Grian, Jimmy and Tango. So I painted all of them.

I didn't get finished with the painting by the end of this class, it should be done in like 8 more classes.

I went to my redstone class with Etho, we didn't pay attention and just talked.

Then it was math class with Etho. Same as last class.

We walked home the usual things people do at school.

Me and Etho went up to my room and we played down on my bed, "wanna play stardew valley?" I asked.

"No but I'll watch you play" Etho said, wrapping up in my blanket.

I sat up on my bed so I could play better, I had the Nintendo hooked up to the TV in my room so I was playing with a controller.

Etho snuggled up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "Joel what's the point of this game?"

While I was talking to Sebastian I slouched into Etho's arms. "Well it's like a virtual farming game, but there's several love interest characters. And once you get enough points with the character of your choice you can date them"

Etho rested his head on my shoulder "awh but I'm not a character in the game"

"Yeah that's why I'm going for Sebastian" I was buying stuff from Harvey.

"Wow and you said you weren't gay" Etho giggled.

I pointed up at my ceiling, "uh huh, look at you in the pictures" I felt Etho shift to look up at the ceiling.

"Maybe you're the obsessed one, pictures of me on your ceiling." Etho wrapped his arms around me from behind.

Before either of us knew it, it was 7:00 PM. "Wanna stay over?" I asked Etho. I liked having him over.

"Sure, want me to order food?" Etho responded, I saved my progress and exited stardew valley.

"Yes please, can we get McDonald's?" I said, I tried to get up but Etho was still holding onto me.

"Sure, lemme order it"

Etho ordered the food, it came, we ate woah.

After me and Etho ate we looked for a game to play on my Nintendo. We finally settled on animal crossing.

I hadn't played it before so we started it fresh, "Oh my God look at how cute the starter villagers are!!"

I felt Etho's weight shift, he was full on bear hugging me right now. I glanced towards him and saw he fell asleep, which made sense.

I continued playing my animal crossing until I eventually got tired, I couldn't get up to turn it off tho. So I just put the controller on the table near me.

I grabbed the blanket with my legs and adjusted it once I pulled it close enough for my hands to grab.

I fell asleep fairly quickly too so I can't really make fun of Etho for falling asleep.

When I woke up it was around 6:30 Am, Etho was tapping my head like it was bongos.

"Ethooo quit it" I grabbed his hand before he could do the next tap, which ended up being a trap.

He pulled me closer so that I was laying on top of him, "let go" I sighed but he just shook his head no "nuh uh" Etho said.

I had to admit tho, this was quite the comfortable position. And I fell asleep again!

* Sorry this chapter is shorter, I've been rushing to finish it. I was really busy over the weekend because I was moving stuff in my room, and I had to clean out my dresser to get a new one. Then I got my phone taken away because my room was messy. So I'm super sorry! Posting should be back to normal now but don't take my word for it.

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