Chapter twenty-six

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  Patrick sighed. Biding his time. He knew there was no getting out of this, so he decided to try a different tactic. "What do you know about Calli?" If he could find out what they knew first, maybe he could get away with not telling them everything.

   Taylor was not amused. "Well, Patrick. Callum seems to believe that she is a siren and that there's something off about you as well."

   The color drained from Patrick's face. He slumped down on the edge of the bed. How did he know? How did he find out?

   "Well, I guess that answers that question." Taylor walked toward the nightstand and picked up his leather bag.

   Tim remained as silent and motionless as a statue in the corner with his arms crossed.

   "I know that you don't know me well, but let me just tell you a little about myself." The bed frame creaked as he sat down beside Patrick. "When I was a young boy, I dreamed of being just like my father." He began examining Patrick's wounds.

   "He was a great doctor but he was a bit too rigid." He turned over Patrick's wrists. Carefully cleaning them and wrapping them in bandages.

   "I decided to venture off on my own and have since traveled the seas." He checked the back of Patrick's head. A scar had formed where he had been struck by the oar.

   "Seen a lot of things that don't make sense." He sat back and threaded his fingers together. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that Calli may seem odd, but she's been with you all this time and," He studied Patrick's expression. "at least from what she's told me, she's not the one we should be worried about." He knelt down, cleaned, and bandaged Patrick's ankles. "I'm just glad you came to me for help." A small smile tugged at the corner of Taylor's mouth.

   Patrick sighed in relief. "Thank you both so much for rescuing us."

   Taylor stood and placed a hand on Patrick's shoulder. "Murdock is the one who informed me of your whereabouts. He's the one you should thank."

   "Murdock?" Confusion laced his tone. He could not understand why that man would ever want to help him.

    Tim spoke up from the corner of the room. "We were playin' a game of cards last night. Callum got drunk 'e did. Kept goin' on about 'ow 'e'd finally got 'imself that siren. Murdock got  'im ta spill about both yer whereabouts and we came ta get cha. " He stroked his beard. "Should be 'ere any time now."

   As if on cue, a heavy knock struck the door. Calliope stirred and Taylor took the opportunity to check her vitals.

   Tim proceeded to unlock the door allowing Murdock to step into the room.

Murdock locked the door and then headed towards the bed. His heavy boots thumped loudly as they hit the wooden floor. Mimicking Patrick's heartbeats.

   Patrick flinched as Murdock came closer. Even if he was the one who had saved them, Patrick could not escape his gut reaction to this man. A cold sweat trickled down his hairline.

   He scowled at Patrick. Then peered around the doctor at Calliope and back to Patrick. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and spoke in a low gravelly tone. "Seems like you're both doing fine." He looked to Taylor for confirmation.

   Taylor nodded. Taking off his stethoscope and placing it back in the bag.

   Calliope pulled herself into a seated position. Resting the back of her head on the cold iron frame of the bed.

   A wry smile stretched across Murdock's face as he stared at Calliope. "Heard you're a siren. How's about you sing us a song."

   She shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz