Chapter six

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The night seemed to be calm outside his cabin. Unaware of the turmoil that raged within his heart. The heavy presence that filled his room felt as if it were suffocating him. He laid down on his bed, wide awake and alert to everything that was around him. The gentle swaying motion that rocked him, the sounds of the ocean, the waves kissing the sides of the ship. He could hear the night breezes as they brushed against the sails; causing them the flutter in the wind. Thunder rumbled in the distance. The wood creaked around him. The candlelight outside his door was sneaking through the cracks, casting their shadows deep into his room. Like long fingers threatening to claw at him and drag him away into the darkness.

The winds moaned and the sails began to beat furiously against the mast; trying desperately to break free. The waves crashed aggressively against the sides of the hull as a sudden barrage of rain began to pound the deck. Thunder clapped and the ocean roared as the ship rocked, stirring Patrick from the thoughts that bombarded his mind. The pounding grew louder as the ship was ruthlessly attacked. Heading deeper into the storm, Patrick knew there would be no peace tonight.

Suddenly, the door flung open, startling Patrick. A figure stood in the doorway, dripping water on the floorboards. Light glistened off of the long wavy hair that clung to the waistline of the slender feminine figure. A puddle was gathering around her bare feet as she gripped the doorframe trying to catch her breath. She looked up at him. Her lavender eyes glowed in the dim light of the room. Patrick quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes in disbelief at the sight of this mysterious person.

In the blink of an eye, her delicate fingers were forcefully pressed against his gaping mouth. Stifling any sound that dared to escape. Her other hand wrapped firmly around his neck. Fingers gripping tightly, squeezing his throat, causing him to choke.

"Not a word freak." Her words silenced him.

   His eyes were wide with fear as her silvery voice paralyzed him.

"Move and you die. Understand?"

He slowly nodded and she loosened her grip slightly.

"Good. Now, sleep."

A satisfied smile spreading across her face was the last thing he saw as his heavy eyelids drifted shut against his will.

Patrick awoke in the familiar cramped space of his aunt's house. He sighed as he opened the curtain that separated him from the rest of the house. The sun was shining through the stained glass windows, casting colorful lights on the woven rug beneath his feet. Slowly, he crept downstairs. Carefully avoiding the stairs that would creak and alarm his aunt of his presence.

From the landing, he could hear the servants bustling about as they dusted and cleaned every surface of this elaborate structure. Surreptitiously, he made his way down the hall. So as not to be seen, he crouched down beside the doorframe and peered through the doorway into the dining hall. There he spied several maids. Silverware clattered and glasses clinked, as the parlor maids cleaned and polished them until they sparkled and shined in the light that shone from the crystal chandelier that hung directly above the table in the center of the room.

Whispers filled the air. Panic flooded him as he struggled to breathe. His head began to spin and throb in pain as the voices surrounding him grew louder. Suddenly, his eyes locked on a familiar slender frame with long wavy hair. She turned and stared at him with her lavender eyes. A sense of doom gripped his heart as she smiled. She had noticed him. He had to leave. Now.

"Hey, you." She called out to him as she began walking towards him.

He couldn't move. His feet were stuck in place. He struggled to lift them but they felt like lead weights. He looked up to see her even closer.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now