Chapter fourteen

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"Did you really think that we would let you go off on your own?" She smirked. "How naïve can you be." Lifting the necklace on Calliope's neck, it sparkled in the light. "You led us right to the traitor and her brats." Nerissa let go of the necklace and patted it. She sighed. "Bring the Triton. Kill the rest."

   Patrick fought against the restraints. "You would kill your own kind?! Your own daughter?"

   "She served her purpose and she's no longer useful. Just like you, my dear boy. When you are no longer useful, you can join her in the depths." Laughing maniacally, they began to drag the others away.

   "No! I won't let you!" Patrick thrashed against the restraints. Struggling to break free.

   "Ha! What are you going to do about it, little boy?" She grabbed his jaw in her hand. Squeezing it tightly, digging her jagged claws into his cheeks until she pierced his skin. Blood began to drip down her fingers as he winced in pain. "See? You can't even help yourself!" She jerked her hand away from his bleeding face. Turned from him and walked towards the others.

   He watched helplessly as the sirens pushed his mother to the ground. They kicked her and pulled her hair as she cried out in pain. He yelled and yanked against the fetters as his feet dug deeper into the sand. Tears trickled down his face, burning the gouges in his cheeks as they mingled with his blood. Streams of bright red stained his throat; clinging to his necklace and covering the teardrop pearl that hung below. Staining it a deep crimson.

   Maybe she was right. Maybe there wasn't anything he could do, but he couldn't give up. He had just found his mother and he wouldn't lose her. Not now. Not without a fight. He clenched his fists as he glared at the sirens. Anger welled up inside of him; coursing through his veins.

   Thunder rumbled in the distance. A flash of light pierced the sky and struck the sand; distracting the sirens from their onslaught of attacks. Fierce winds blew. Swirling the sand at their feet, lifting it up, and filling the air around them. In all the confusion, Patrick grabbed Calli and his Mother and ran for the trees. Once they were at a safe distance, they stopped to catch their breath.

   Calypso glanced around. "Wait! We have to go back. They have Lyra!"

   Patrick turned towards Calli. He took the silver necklace off of her and held it in his hand.

   "What are you doing? We have to get rid of that thing!" Calli reached for the necklace but he held it above her head.

   "No." He smirked as the necklace caught the light. "We're going to set a trap."

   Earlier that day, his mother had told him about the only cave near the middle of the island. When she had first arrived on the island with his father, he was still unconscious and barely breathing. There had been a terrible storm that night and she needed to find shelter for him. She found that cave and brought him to it. There she stayed by his side until the storm had passed. As the cool morning breeze filled the cave; his father awoke to find Calypso, bathed in light, and fell in love with her.

   The three of them arrived at the cave just before sunset. Patrick went inside by himself, while Calli and his mother went on top to stand as a lookout. Once inside, Patrick wandered deeper into the cave. He started a fire and hid Calli's necklace behind a large rock just beyond that.

   As night began to fall upon the island, Patrick peered from behind the boulder that sat just above the entrance. The cave was surrounded by palm trees and giant ferns, nestled in the heart of the island, and far from any source of water. From there, he could see all the way to the beach. The sirens were still there; waiting for them to return.

   "There is only one way in or out of that cave. If we can move the boulder that sits on top of it, we might just be able to trap them in there." Patrick wasn't sure that his plan would work but he had to hope. "I'll get their attention and make them come to us. Then, we'll hide here and wait until they go inside. Once they're inside the cave; we seal it shut!"

   A tempest brewed in the night sky above the cave. Fronds whipped furiously, threatening to break free. Leaflets danced in the swirling air. Lightning flashed; giving sight to the darkness that surrounded them. Signaling the hunters to their position. Thunder shook the ground. Pebbles rolled down from the top of the cave where they lay in wait for their pursuers.

   As if on cue, their trackers emerged from the trees, Calli's mother in the lead, pulling Lyra along behind her. Bound and weak, she stumbled forward.

   Light flickered from the fire that burned inside the cave. Patrick, Calli, and Calypso watched as the sirens snuck into the cave. One remained outside; guarding Lyra as she lay helpless on the ground. Trying to catch her breath.

   Quickly, they pushed the boulder down over the edge. Sealing the cave shut; causing Lyra's guard to flee. Leaving Patrick, Calliope, and Calypso alone with Lyra.

   "We can't let her escape!" After all that had occurred, Calli feared that they would never leave them alone.

   "She is probably long gone by now. We should focus on getting out of here before anything else happens." Patrick had seen how fast sirens were and he wasn't sure whether or not they could catch her. Even if they did, what would they do with her? He couldn't stomach the thought of taking a life. Although Calli and his mother had in the past, would they still be able to now? Hadn't both of them expressed to him their opinions on the matter? Calli had said she never wanted to harm anyone. Maybe taking the life of one of their own kind was an exception that they were willing to make. Hadn't his mother threatened earlier that day that she wouldn't hesitate to take Calli's life? He didn't have any answers. Just more questions.

   Calypso untied Lyra and helped her to her feet. "You're probably right. She will most likely return home."

   Calli thought for a moment before nodding.

   "Where will we go? This is our home!" Lyra clung to her mother. Tears welled in her eyes.

   Our home. Maybe it had been once for him too. But that was a lifetime ago. So far in the past he no longer remembered it. He had no home now. Hadn't had one in years. Not welcome anywhere. Not safe and secure and happy. "You'll get over it the way I had to. Except you have mom to take care of you. So suck it up and let's go. Unless you want to stay here with them." He shook his thumb in the direction of the cave behind them.

   "How can you be so mean. It's your fault that they found us. We were fine here. All by ourselves until you and that girl came along. You brought them here. Maybe you should just go back to where you came from. And take that girl with you. You're the one they're after anyway."

   Calypso wrapped her arm around her daughter. "Lyra, honey. Please don't speak to your brother that way. He was the one who rescued you"

   "It's okay, mom. She right. I don't know what I was expecting. I shouldn't have come here. I guess it doesn't matter where I go. I'm always treated like I'm unwanted." With that Patrick tore through the trees. Stopping only when he reached the beach; as a chilly hand grabbed hold of his arm. He turned to see Calli, bent forward, gasping for air behind him.

   "You're not leaving without me are you?" She looked up at him.

   "Why?" He couldn't understand why she would want to be with him. No one else wanted to be.

   "Because, dummy!" She stood up tall and stared into his eyes. "I'm all alone and I don't want to be."

   "So stay with them." He pushed her hand from his arm and started walking.

   "You heard that bratty sister of yours." She placed her hands behind her back and walked beside him. "Besides, I would rather be with you. You're a lot easier to get along with."

  "Fine. Do what you want." He quickened his pace.

   "Yay! I promise I won't be any trouble." She had to jog now to stay close to him.

  "Okay, then." He turned to smile at her. "Let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her along until the surf crashed against their legs. They dove in and swam. Leaving behind their families and their troubles.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now