Chapter five

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As they headed towards a warmer climate, a swirl of emotions gripped Patrick's heart. Muddling his thoughts. Why had his father chosen to take him from the island and his mother? Why had he not spoken of her until he lay dying? Why did he leave him with his abusive aunt instead of with the captain and crew on the ship where he had grown up? Why take him away from everything and everyone he knew only to abandon him? It made no sense.

The sea was glistening and the sun warmed his skin as Patrick thought over what the captain had offered. After he met his mother, should he then continue sailing? What would she think of that decision? Would she be heartbroken at the thought of him leaving her again? Or would she want to come with him? Why did she stay behind in the first place? Was sending them away the only option they had? What would they have done if the captain hadn't come to that island by accident?

The more he thought the more frustrated Patrick became. None of it made any sense. Not his mother's insistence on them leaving. Not his father's insistence on them staying with his aunt. They both seemed like very selfish choices that didn't take Patrick's best interests into consideration.

A warm hand landed roughly on Patrick's shoulder pulling him from his unpleasant thoughts.

"Whatcha thinkin' bout so hard as to make a face like that?"

Patrick turned his head towards the familiar voice of his father's closest friend, James Westin. Since coming on board he had been like an uncle to Patrick and he had known his father well. Maybe he could help him understand what his father had been thinking.

"My father... and my mother. I. I'm not sure. I guess I just don't know what to do. The captain offered for me to stay on board after I meet my mother. I guess I just don't understand why they made the choices they did." He turned towards the sea, leaned over, and covered his face with his hands.

James raised a quizzical brow. "Ah. I see."
They both faced out overlooking the shimmering horizon. The clear sky, a light blue that mimicked James's eyes. A pleasant breeze whisked by catching and ruffling his hair. A faint smile and a look of sadness filled his otherwise cheerful countenances.

"Your father must've had his reasons for doing what he did. I don't know your mother but from my brief encounter with her; she was quite distraught about giving you up. Her cries carried in the wind and could be heard well after we sailed away. I don't think she was...well, never mind. It's not my place to say." His sunny disposition was back. "How's about you meet your mother and then you can make up your mind. Who knows, you might just find the answers you've been looking for. Maybe she can help you understand more about your father as well."

Even though it felt like James was being elusive, Patrick still felt better talking to him. He'd waited all these years. What's a few more months? He breathed out a heavy sigh. Maybe he could just leave all the decisions until after he had a better understanding of the situation. Maybe then his mind could be at ease for the moment.

He smiled and turned to face James. "Thanks. That's great advice. I think I'll do just that."

The sun was dipping into the horizon. Bringing with it a chill in the night's air that surrounded the ship.

Turning to rest his back on the ledge, James folded his arms across his chest and took on a serious expression. "You know, no matter what reason your parents might have had for the choices they made, holding on to the hurt and pain is only going to hurt you more in the end. It's better to leave it in the past. Forgive them so you can move forward with your life instead of being stuck in a past you can't change."

Later that evening, as Patrick sat hunched over on the edge of his bunk in his cabin, the words James had spoken to him earlier slowly churned over in his mind. Was he stuck in the past? Wasn't he trying to move forward? Wasn't that part of the reason he left in the first place? Did it all really depend on whether or not he forgave everyone? What if they didn't deserve to be forgiven? They hurt him. Abandoned him. If he just let all of that go...

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now