Chapter thirteen

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   The sound of the waves kissing the sand gently roused Patrick from his sleep. The warm sun wrapped itself around him, soothing his aching muscles. How he wished he could lay here and just rest in this peaceful place, undisturbed. Soft hands caressed his face and hummed a familiar lullaby that his father would sing to him whenever he was upset.

                                              "My sailor love, come back to me.
                                               My heart and love took to the sea.
                                           Now every breath, I strain to breathe.
                                               My heart, my love, go to the sea.
                                               My sailor love, come back to me.
                                            Bring back my son, my heart, to me.
                                             My heart, my love, gone to the sea.
                                           Now every breath, I strain to breathe."

   As he opened his eyes, he saw his mother's face full of grief.

   "Oh, Patrick. I never wanted to send you away. Please try to understand that I wanted you and your father to stay. But it wasn't safe for you here anymore. Your father and I agreed that it would be safer for you to be away from the island until you were older and able to control your emotions better." Tears threatened to stream down her face as she continued. "Your father sailed on a merchant ship when he was younger. He loved being at sea. It was in his blood. His father was also a sailor when he was younger. Their family owned a merchant vessel called the Wanderlust."

   Patrick sat up and brushed the sand from his exposed legs. A crab was skittering across a smooth rock by his feet going on about his business. The waves crept ever so carefully onto the beach as a fresh breeze drifted toward them. Seagulls flew overhead, carrying on a conversation only they were privy to. He closed his eyes and listened intently as the sounds surrounded him.

   "Your grandmother never wanted children but eventually gave in because your grandfather wanted a son to pass the family business to. When your father was born, your grandfather transferred everything into his son's name. It was a lot to place onto a child's shoulders. Your aunt was left to take care of your father while your grandmother would go off to soirees with your grandfather. She was quite bitter about it and took it out on your father."

   Patrick watched as his mother played with a seashell in her hands. Tracing the ridges with her fingertips. Turning it over and carefully grazing her thumb on the smooth surface. Contemplating what she should say next.

   "When they didn't come back, his sister was left with nothing. Your father gave up his rights to everything in hopes that it would appease her wrath. Unfortunately, it only curbed her anger for a moment. Your father left home when he was fifteen to sail on a merchant ship. He was with them for several years before we met." She looked away. "There's something I need to tell you, but I don't want to upset you."

   A look of concern crossed his face. Clouds began to fill the sky.

   She gently placed the necklace in his hand. The strand glimmered in the sunlight that peeked between the parting clouds. "Please keep this with you at all times. Especially when you're on this island or around others. It will keep you safe and protect those around you."

   Confusion filled his face. He looked at her and put the necklace on. Beckoning her to elaborate.

   "The night I met your father, I was out at sea and I wasn't alone. I never really gave much thought to what we did before I met Marcus." She glances up at him. Then looked down at her hands. "We saw their ship off in the distance. So we did what we always did. We sang our song and called them towards us. The ship crashed into the rocky shore all the confusion, your father hit his head. Then I watched as he fell into the water. I swam over towards him, but when I saw him, I fell in love with him."

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