Chapter eleven

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   As the days passed, Patrick found it increasingly difficult to keep Calliope a secret. She was running out of things to hold her attention and didn't like being confined to the small room. Patrick would visit her and recount stories of his adventures at sea when his father was alive.

One morning, as Patrick awoke in the infirmary, he heard the clinking of glass and metal. A bitter smell lingered in the air mixed with the scent of metal and ink, musky damp wood and saltwater. He turned to see Taylor sitting at a desk, writing in a ledger. Glass tubes with cork stoppers were lined in front of him. They were filled at different levels with colorful liquids. A metal funnel was placed beside them. Several folded papers were stacked in piles on his other side.

"Did I wake you?" Taylor asked as he continued going through the items on the desk. "I'm taking inventory. I don't want to run out of something we might need. No telling when we will be back to civilization. There's not much visibility out there today. Been raining all morning." He faced Patrick. "She's a little different, that Calli girl. Might want to check on her soon. Make sure she's keeping her end of the bargain."

Patrick wasn't worried about someone finding her in his cabin, because other than Taylor, the rest of the crew usually didn't bother him there. He was more worried that she might become impatient and leave the confines of the cabin to explore the rest of the ship.

As he made his way through the passageway, he heard a loud thud coming from the direction of his cabin. What was she up to now? As he quickly approached the door, he opened it to find Calli tangled up in the sheets in a ball on the floor. "Do I even want to ask what happened this time?"

"I was just sitting there waiting for you; when I heard a noise. I only moved around a bit and then something grabbed me! The more I tried to get away the tighter it held on! See? It won't let go!"

"I don't know. It looks to me like you're caught in the bedding. Here. Let me help you." He reached down and grabbed one corner of the sheet and yanked hard; unraveling the tangled mess.

   She rolled on the floor and hit her head on the nightstand. She winced as she rubbed her injury.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to pull that hard." He stretched out his hand and offered to help her up.

   She stared at it.

   He sighed, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to her feet. "You've got to stay out of trouble. And you need to keep it down. You're going to get caught."

She straightened the large shirt she was wearing and smoothed her hair. "What exactly am I supposed to keep down?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're too loud. I could hear you banging around in here when I was walking through the passageway." He waved his arms around gesturing to the room.  "They are going to know that someone is in here when I'm not if you keep making so much noise."

With a rueful look, she said, "Alright. I'll try to be quieter."

In the days that followed, she kept her promise to Patrick. He was eagerly awaiting the day that they would find the island. Even more so now that he was lying all the time just to keep her safe. He felt unease begin to settle in the pit of his stomach and he didn't sleep well that night.

Early the next morning, Patrick was jolted awake to find Taylor standing beside him. "Patrick! Patrick! Get up quickly. Callum found Calli."

Fear flooded Patrick's mind as they rushed to the deck; only to find the crew gathered around. As he made his way to the center, Patrick saw the very angry Captain Westin and the smug Callum towering over Calli's slim frame. She was hunched over on her knees. Her hands had been bound behind her back. Callum had a satisfied smirk plastered on his face as he watched Patrick's worried expression approach them.

"Is this really necessary?" Patrick knelt in front of her. Anger coursed through his veins. He lifted her head; surprised to find that she had been gagged. He placed her frightened face in his hands. Tears streaming down her red cheeks. "What did you do to her?" Exasperated, Patrick jumped to his feet and lunged at Callum, wrapping his hands around his neck. Only to be tackled to the deck by the crew.

Callum rubbed his sore neck as he coughed, trying to catch his breath. "See. I told you. He brought this monster on board to destroy us."

The captain looked down at Patrick. "Is what he says true? Did you bring this creature on board?"

"She won't harm you!" Patrick's eyes were pleading. But instead of understanding, he saw disappointment and sadness in the captain's face.

"We trusted you. How could you betray us like this?" The captain turned away from Patrick.

Then Taylor spoke up from the crowd. "I believe I can shed some light on this situation. If you will permit me, captain?"

All eyes turned to see Taylor making his way to where the kerfuffle was taking place.

"I advised Patrick to keep Calli hidden for me just until we reached the island. She expressed to me her wish to take refuge there. And since we will be arriving soon; I didn't see a problem with it as long as she stayed in the cabin. Which to my knowledge she was. At least up until now..." Turning his attention towards Callum, he narrowed his eyes. "Tell me again, Callum. How is it that you found her, when I just checked on her not even an hour ago? What were you doing below deck and in Patrick's quarters when you knew he wasn't there?"

Callum eyed his older cousin. "I... well she shouldn't be here! I was just trying to protect the crew."

"Oh? I must have misunderstood that part. So you snooping in the cabins of others when they are not there, without their knowledge or consent, is protecting them?"

Callum scowled. "Why hide her if she wasn't a danger? She's"

Taylor cut him off before he could cause any more trouble. "Well, if you think about it from her point of view, she is the only female on a ship full of males. How do you think she would feel? I hid her to protect her." He knelt down in front of her and untied the gag on her mouth. He rubbed his thumbs on her red swollen cheeks as he examined her. "And now look at her. I'm truly sorry my dear for not keeping you safe." He looked at the captain who nodded in agreement. Then he proceeded to untie her restraints.

"Alright, well that's enough of that. Back to your posts and leave our guests be. Oh and Callum, I'd like a word with you."

Patrick was released while the captain took Callum aside. Taylor was helping Calli to her feet as Patrick ran to her.

He grabbed her and held her. "I'm so sorry Calli. I shouldn't have left you alone."

She pushed back away from him and socked him in the arm.

He winced and rubbed the place she had hit.

"Don't even think of leaving me alone on this ship again."

Just then, someone shouted, "Land ho!"

They turned to see an island just ahead in the distance. They hugged each other again. As excitement spread across their faces; they burst into laughter.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now