Chapter sixteen

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Torches illuminated the beach as they approached the port town. Lively music could be heard in the distance. Laughter mixed with the sounds of the waves. Excitement and apprehension were building up inside as his heart began to race. He inadvertently squeezed her hand.

"Hey! You okay?" She lifted their clasped hands.

Patrick turned to see her wincing. He loosened his grip. "Sorry. I didn't realize. I guess you could say, I'm a bit nervous. I haven't been to a town in a while."

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "That was before. We're together now. Right?"

He smiled at her. Then looked towards the lights of the town. "You're right. I'm not alone anymore. I can do this."

"We can do this." She gave him a proud look.

"Right." He chuckled.

When they arrived, Calliope was overwhelmed by all of the sights, sounds, smells, and textures. She spun slowly. Trying to take it all in. Several people started to stare at them. Patrick realized that they were looking at her. He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into an alleyway. He took off his shirt.

"What are you doing?" She gave him a quizzical look.

"It's not what you think." Suddenly, he felt embarrassed. He put the shirt on her. "You're drawing too much attention. If anyone asks, we were shipwrecked in a storm just off the coast, we were the only survivors, and we swam to shore. Okay?"

She pushed her arms through the sleeves, straightened the shirt, and fixed her hair. Then, she nodded. "Okay. I understand."

"Alright, let's go." He turned toward the busy street.

She reached out and took his hand in hers. "Wait. Do I look okay?"

As he looked over her appearance, he slowly gave her a nod of approval. "I'll get you something else to wear and find us something to eat. But first, I have to make some money."

They stood outside of the Slimy Starfish Tavern. Patrick closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Then, let it out slowly. He only needed to win a little bit of money. Just enough to buy Calli something decent to wear and something to drink. They could go fishing if necessary. At least he would be able to cook the fish this time. He smiled to himself as he recounted those moments in the cave with Calli. He let a small laugh escape and quickly cleared his throat. "Remember, just stay next to me and let me do the talking. If there's something you don't understand or need help with, just whisper it to me, and I'll help you."

They walked into a crowded room. A delicious scent filled the air around them. Making its escape through the door as their stomachs let out a low growl in response. Laughter and chatter mingled through the air; as the sound of metal dishes clattered together. There was a soft glow from the gas hurricane lamps that were placed on several round wooden tables at the center of the room. Sailors were grouped together at a few of the tables near the back right corner. Some talked while others whispered over drinks.

Then, there were townsfolk gathered at other tables placed closer to the doorway. Plates of food filled their tables. Smiles spread across their faces, as they carried on conversations, while they enjoyed their dinners.

A roaring fire blazed in a large cobblestone open hearth that was centered on the back wall; giving warmth to the room. Yellow and orange light danced on the tinder that had been piled atop a black cast iron grate. Soot collected beneath. Ash and smoke floated in the air around it, mixing with sparks, as the wood crackled and split from the flames.

A bar was to their left. It took up most of the wall. Behind it, a bartender was cleaning a glass with a rag. Wooden shelves on either side of him held neatly stacked glasses. While a large mirror was nestled between them. Shiny clear glass bottles of warm amber and rich burgundy liquids were displayed on wooden shelves just below. Along with a variety of brown and green glass bottles mixed in. At the bar, individuals sat hunched over on wooden barstools, nursing their choice of drinks in either clear glasses or dark bottles.

In the back corner, behind the bar, was another wooden table, where a small group of men sat. In the process of playing a game of cards. A pile of coins and paper money had been pushed to the center; waiting to line the pockets of the lucky winner.

Across from the bar, to their right, was a narrow platform, positioned against the wall. A few musicians were situated around a tall, full-figured woman in her early thirties. She had long brown hair that she kept in intricate braids. They played a lively tune while the woman sang along.

As they waited for the current game to end, Patrick tugged on Calliope's sleeve. He whispered in her ear. "Would you like to dance?"

She tilted her head to the side. "Dance?"

"Yea. It's when you move to the music." He pointed to the couples dancing in front of the stage. "Like that." He took her hand. "Come on. I'll teach you." He stood tall and pushed his thumb against his bare chest. "I've had plenty of practice growing up."

They crossed through the crowded room toward the couples who were dancing. They stopped when they reached the middle of the dance floor. She watched him closely as he placed his hand on her waist.

"Just follow along and have fun." He pulled her close.

They spun around and he twirled her, lifting her up by her waist off the wooden floor. She flung her arms out and leaned back as she laughed. While he was bringing her back down, she wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to dance. When the song came to an end, she pulled him down close to her and gently kissed him on his cheek.

"Thank you, Puc. This was so much fun." Her wide smile spread across her flushed cheeks. "I'm never going to forget this!" She raised her arms and twirled in place.

He touched his cheek as a blush rose. "Anytime."

"Oh, look! The game is over." She caught hold of his hand, as she pointed to the left corner of the room.

When they approached the group of three men sitting there, Patrick surveyed his opponents. The man sitting to the left was older and in a waistcoat. His messy gray hair was pulled back in a ribbon. Several strands hung loose around his leathery face. To the right was a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties. From his appearance, he probably worked the land. He had a cheerful demeanor. Patrick was suddenly reminded of Taylor and James. He felt an ache in his chest for his friends, as he wondered if the crew made it safely away before the sirens came to the island. A large, tattooed man was situated in between them. He spoke in a low gruff tone to the others.

   Feeling good about the way things had been going so far tonight, he decided to join the group. "Evening, gentlemen. Mind if I join you for a game?"

The men glanced over at him. Then, a big hairy man with broad shoulders nodded to Patrick. He had a large tattoo of a fishhook piercing a heart with the name LOLA scrawled in deep blue ink on his left forearm. He eyed Calliope as Patrick sat down in an empty seat.

"What's she doing here?" The tattooed man spoke in a low gruff manner. A scowl never left his face.

He reminded Patrick of Murdock, only his presence was more intense and intimidating. But he couldn't back down now. He mustered his courage, leaned forward, and smirked. "She's my good luck charm." Patrick pulled out the golden pocket watch and dangled it in front of them. He watched as the other two men's eyes grew as wide as their smiles. Perfect, now I've got them. "So, are we going to play, or sit here and talk all night?"

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ