From the moment he said this, he completely lost his freedom.

Maybe they found out that Bai Yueguang was not from the same group as them. When those young masters came to visit again, they did not perform any exciting entertainment shows.

After seeing him once, Bai Yueguang's mental state became unstable. He always felt like someone was crying and screaming in the villa, and when he closed his eyes, there was still a large amount of blood in front of him. Bai's father found a psychiatrist and treated him for a period of time, and his condition improved slightly.

According to the doctor, if he persists for a while, Bai Yueguang will be able to get out of his psychological shadow. He also knew that he was sick and took medicine according to the doctor's instructions and went to bed on time every day. But his auditory hallucination problem still hasn't disappeared. Occasionally when he woke up from his sleep, he could still faintly hear crying in the villa.

Sometimes he thinks about whether he is not hallucinating, but someone is really crying in the villa.

Once Bai Yueguang got bold enough to follow the sound and look for it. There were several people locked in the basement of his house, sitting on the ground with dull eyes.

There were no lights on in the basement, and at a glance, only a few blurry figures could be seen. The only thing that could see clearly were eyes in the darkness. There was no sparkle in those eyes, as if the endless darkness had completely buried them.

The stairs in the basement are not very long. Bai Yueguang stood on top while they were locked down below. That staircase is like a passage from the human world to hell. Those people who were thrown down may not be able to return to the ground until they die.

Bai Yueguang fell seriously ill again. When he woke up, he was no longer the proud young master he used to be. Instead, he was timid and in a state of fear all the time. If someone else spoke a little louder, it would scare him.

There were many psychiatrists in the family, and Bai Yueguang spent most of the missing years in fear and guilt. He would think about that pet party from time to time. He saw the atrocity happening with his own eyes but failed to stop it. He felt like a coward and that he was the only one who was not violent. So when those people were in unbearable torture, they all reached out to him for help.

Bai Yueguang failed to save anyone. He was obsessed with dancing and did not like to participate in the Bai family's affairs. He wanted to devote himself to art and spend his life dancing on stage. He has no power of his own, and Father Bai can make him lose everything he has with just a single move. He looks like a good man, but he doesn't even have the ability to save a child.

He was confused every day and had no other thoughts except leaving here.

Taking advantage of the lax defense, Bai Yueguang fled the villa and drove straight to Ji Chengming's house. Before Bai's father learned the news, he plunged into Ji Chengming's sphere of influence, which was considered to be a complete step into the safe zone.

He didn't dare to go back to Bai's house. It was too disgusting and he couldn't stay there for a whole day. Among those involved was his biological father. Bai Yueguang didn't want his father to go to jail and couldn't think of a solution, so he planned to stay in Ji Chengming's territory and hide every day.

When he thinks of a good solution, he will tell Ji Chengming what happened.

After listening to Bai Yueguang's narration, Ji Chengming frowned in thought. After a while, he raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a cruel smile.

"It's better to say it out loud. After all, if it falls into my hands, he will have no choice but to bury Shen Jiang alive."


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