The mounted police had already pulled everyone out of the car and made them squat on the ground and stay there.

They were three men, wearing ordinary casual clothes and looking nothing special. The body is not strong and can be seen everywhere on the street. Apart from being handcuffed, they seemed indistinguishable from anyone else passing by.

Sirens sounded in the distance, and two more police cars arrived. A female police officer came over. She first put a mask on the woman, and then took the woman in police uniform away from the traffic policeman's arms. They were talking in low voices, probably asking about the cause of the incident.

What the woman just said made Miao Zhen very worried. Besides her, there seemed to be another victim.

The woman had already helped her get into the police car, but more than ten minutes had passed and still no police car had left the group.

Instead, he pulled the car of prisoners in the direction of the police station.

Miao Zhen's heart sank. There was only one possibility for this situation to occur.

The woman knew there was another victim, but she didn't know where that person was taken. The police could not find the target for the time being. In order not to hinder traffic, they had to take everyone to the station for interrogation.

This is the best way at the moment, but Miao Zhen is worried that after a while, it will be too late.

He sent a message to Xiao Liu and asked him if the other victim had been found.

A minute later, Xiao Liu replied: "You were at the scene. Did you guess it?" Don't tell anyone about this, otherwise it will be turned into some random rumors and cause panic. We are checking and we already have some clues. I can't tell you the details, but don't worry, you will definitely be able to find it. '

Miao Zhen sent him a cheering emoji.

Xiao Liu didn't reply and seemed very busy.


The traffic policeman did not leave and continued to return to his post to direct traffic.

After a delay of more than ten minutes, the taxi fare increased a lot, and Miao Zhen's vest time was less than ten minutes.

It was the first time for the driver Master to see the police arresting someone on the street. He sent several voice messages to his relatives and friends to express his excitement.

The words became more and more outrageous in his mouth. At first, he stated the facts. When the last person was reached, it turned into a knife-wielding gangster arrest and a police confrontation with a gun.

Miao Zhen patted him on the shoulder, asking him to concentrate on driving and not drive the car onto the curb.

The driver locked his phone and looked at the rearview mirror expectantly, "Comrade, why don't you go back to the police station with your colleagues."

Miao Zhen told the driver that he was not a policeman.

The driver didn't believe it, "I understand, I understand, you can't expose it. I'm very strict with my mouth if it's okay, and I will never tell anyone else."

Seeing that this man was not only thinking but also convinced, Miao Zhen stopped explaining.

He asked again about the bar, and this time the driver didn't hold anything back and started talking and told everything he knew.

Miao Zhen cherry-picked the information he provided and roughly restored the original appearance of the matter.

This driver has encountered some strange things. He recently picked up some passengers near a bar.

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