" You should have waited, you just jumped from the wall and started running like a brute", I said, her face reddened while she became embarrassed. Suddenly two hands wrapped around me and asked," Yes Amara?", I received a dissatisfied reply from her," That's not good Daddy, you are never surprised!", she was correct, I had extreme awareness of my surroundings even what is teleporting beside me.

Eh, as a billion-year-old God the one of the last things I would do is to lose the awareness of my surroundings when I am in a place where enemies can come from anywhere. " Hm, what are you looking at insect?", Amara said while glancing at Leonidas whose body freeze the moment, she looked at him. Amara was a Divine Beast and a natural enemy of Dragon-Kind; thus, she was extremely high on the racial Hierarchy.

It was normal for Leonidas' body to freeze in fear, and well, this girl is too spoiled despite being humbled by her mother's several time. I grabbed her arms and swung her body, and in no moment, she was leaning against my chest, I patted her head and caressed her horns while she looked at me with a blush adorning her face. " Oh Daddy!", she muttered happily.

" Leonidas, I want you to continue doing your impressive work. Not to mention a new horde of beasts should be arriving here soon ", I commanded him, and doing a salute he replied," Yes Sir!!!", it looked a bit funny and weird for me, after all Leonidas from my world hated Gods to the boot and would just like to plummet Apollo's face with his fists.

" So, you are Amara, right?", asked Jeanne as she appeared in front of us with a smile on her face, and looked at Amara, ' My daughter ' , with interest in her eyes. Amara ignored her existence and continued enjoying my pats, poor Jeanne continued smiling while looking at the girl who didn't cared a bit about her. " Talk with her Amara", I said, and quickly she nodded obediently as if she was not ignoring her a second ago.

" Yes, Is there anything you want to say?", she asked a bit rudely, but Jeanne didn't mind it and instead taking her hands by surprise she asked with intense curiosity," Who is your mother?! I want to know about Lord Poseidon- Like everything! Thus, I want to know who your mother is?! Do you have any brothers or sisters?! Or-", she asked with rapid precision, her lips moving in a sensual manner.

" Stop!!", shouted Amara stopping her, and then with a slight anger she said," Firstly, those three perverted women of Daddy are my mothers. Eh, none of them are my birth mothers, only Daddy is my real Daddy, they are my mothers just because they are women of Daddy. Also, I have no brother or sister, only I alone am the daughter of Poseidon!!", her voice contained pride as she announced her identity as my sole daughter in existence.

Jeanne's face looked satisfied- and well more curious enough to make Amara shudder and hug me tightly, " Well anyway, going by your logic I am your mother as well! You can call me Mom! Also let's have a family hug!", said Jeanne as she leaped and hugged us while burying her face on my chest as well. I sighed and then smiled a little,' She is cute as ever ', I thought amused.

" Ahem, why are we missing this family hug? I am coming as well ", said Jalter as she leaped and hugged me from back, Artoria who had teleported with her and Scathach joined as well, while Scathach sighed at the stupidity she was going to commit before joining the hug as well, all of them squeezed me tightly, while Leonidas gave me a thumbs up from the side, and Ushiwakamaru blushed a lightly and looked away? Well, we are not doing anything lewd; this woman is just weird.

" Now, I would love to be hugged by you all for hours like this, but we aren't at our home, rather at a dangerous place, so I would like you leave me ", I said as I looked at the supersonic Goddess approaching us on her ' Heavenly ride ', her twin tails swayed erratically as she approached us. The others too became wary as they sensed the approaching Divinity. They quickly broke the hug.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now