Regaining the Authorities

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Poseidon Pov

On arriving back to the castle the first thing we did was to have a feast which lasted two hours long, it made everyone including the servants of Jalter who in a sense didn't like her feel better, once the feast had finished Jalter rubbed her belly with a satisfied look on her face and like always it didn't bulge even a nanometer.

After the feast Jalter shortly ordered all the servants to go and continue their massacre, unable to reject her command they could only obey and leave. I cleaned all the dishes using the clean spell and then I asked her," Jalter, I have something to ask", she stopped and looked at me respectfully and replied," Yes, My Lord?", I said," What do you think about my decision of sparing them? Do you like it or not?".

She became stunned and after a bit replied," As long as My Lord you want something, I have no opinion about it", I sternly said," Truthfully tell me what you think about it.", she paused and bit her lips in fear," I-I didn't like Lord's decision of sparing them at first but after pondering about for a bit I realized that it is better that way, It will be interesting to give them hope only to ruthlessly break it", she replied as her mood changed with a sadistic smile forming on her face.

I ruffled her head causing her to blush lightly as she looked at me surprised, I mean they are soft to be not played with and her face with a blush looked quite cute to me," See? That isn't hard right? There might come times when lies are needed to be spoken but for the most the time saying truth is the best option, even if it is cruel and disgusting, Good Girl", I replied, she nodded slowly as I continued patting her.

"I- I understand My Lord, I shall follow what you taught me", she said stuttering, I stopped patting the poor girl, she felt both fear of me and affection towards me when I patted her head, though I expected that with time her fear of me lessen considerably, I have already decided to make this girl my permanent subordinate who will do my bidding. I mean doing everything by myself is exhausting.

Man, I am missing that lackey who used to assist me and do all the miscellaneous jobs for me, and well I didn't bother to even remember his name considering him a weakling, even my Deepak self doesn't remember him considering he was shown in the manga only once, I guess I can thank him when I return and I am pretty sure he will be quite surprised by it.

Anyway, I want her to make extremely loyal to me, so much that she won't mind sacrificing herself for me, at least that's my current plan with her, but she is someone with whom I am free to go further if things go right, whether we will become more is completely unknown as of now.

This might be the first real relationship I might have amusingly, my sister Demeter did pursue me and I had some sexual adventures with her losing my virginity to her but I rejected her proposal considering her not worthy, there are many other Goddess I rejected back in heaven as well including Aphrodite, I am proud of this fact that I did reject her.

She like a whore she is tried seducing me and it did work a bit, I banged her straight for five years and showed her rightful place and by the end, she was begging me to make her my sex slave and even proposed to abandon her prostitution but I considered her nothing more than a fine pussy and rejected her coldly with a few slaps when she didn't stop begging me.

I slowly came out of my thoughts and glanced at Jalter who was sweating nervously seeing me quiet. I smiled and said," Jalter proceed with your endeavor, I have something to do so I will be absent for a while okay?", she nodded in affirmation," Then I shall wait for your return My Lord", she replied, I teleported myself a bit far and then silent chanted fly and compass spells respectively, I started hovering in the sky towards the direction of the sea.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now