Apostles of Poseidon

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Poseidon Pov

I yawned as I opened my eyes, and looked around. I was sleeping on the sea bed of small seas of my Throne. I teleported back into the castle, into my private room where Scathach still lay on the bed sleeping peacefully. I sighed and came near her, and then caressing her cheek I said," It's time to wake up Scathach", Her eyelashes started fluttering as she slowly woke up.

"Hmmm, it was a nice sleep I had", she said, sitting up, then a blush appeared on my face," Damn, I had done that?!", she said embarrassed most probably remembering her behavior during our lovemaking. Then she glanced at me with embarrassment oozing out of her expression, in the heat of the moment she did something that no one would normally do, though I just gave her a smirk and said," Do not get embarrassed since every woman that I have made love with had become the same in the end".

" You should be named as God of sex, not the God of the Ocean!", she said with an apparent pout, I gave a small smack on her head and said," Now stop with this drama, I have something important to do, though you can take a rest if you are feeling tired", she rubbed her head and said with a small smile," Don't worry, I have recovered not to mention being Heroic Spirit does wonders".

After that, both of us went to the Hall, where the Throne was, and I sat on it like always. I called Jalter and Artoria, and they quickly reached the Hall, meanwhile glancing at each other from time to time with disgust and anger. They were fighting over me of course, it was apparent to me.

It just satisfied my pride feeling two beautiful women fighting each other to get a piece of my attention and affection, of course as long as they don't take it too far, though I doubt they will be able to kill each other as Immortal Heroic Spirits.

" Well, I have an important thing to do now, and it is to make three of you my Apostles", I said revealing the reason why I gathered them here, my words made Jalter's and Artoria's eyes glisten while frowns appeared on Scathach's face, who raised her hand, I gave her a nod and she said," As you know, My Liege I am a Godslayer having characteristics of a Divine Spirit so I might be incompatible with your blessing".

[Master, don't worry As I said earlier the Apostle Bestowal is a perfect ability at least within a certain limit, hence such things are of no worry], the system told me before I could ask it anything, and I was indeed impressed by its quick reaction. After understanding that I didn't gain the ability in vain, I said," Do not worry, I have a separate ability for the bestowing blessings which can solve such problems".

She was surprised to hear it, and then she looked at me curiously, trying her wisdom to find my ability but in the failing to do so," A bundle of mysteries as ever, Lord Poseidon", she said softly. I also noticed how she addressed me formally, but it was expected, as she had told me before. She would become my servant, my confidant just as Jalter and Artoria are, and hence despite being my wife like them, she was my servant as well.

" My Lord! Can I get your blessing first?", asked Jalter with anticipation in her eyes and expectation of her request being granted. Artoria remained silent deciding to not bicker anymore, and I nodded granting her the privilege. She quickly came before me and knelt summoning her Flag. I stood from my throne and got in front of her, I started patting her soft hair.

A blush crept up on her face, as a smile formed on her lips due to my affection. " Jalter you had been my first servant, at least from my new beginning, thus you deserve to be granted the privilege of becoming my Apostle foremost... I Poseidon! Tryannical Lord of the Seven Seas, God of the Gods grant you the title of my Apostle!", I said as I bestowed upon her my Divine blessing.

My Divinity surged up and started rushing to her body rapidly, A huge amount of mana left my body flowing through her body, and our spiritual bodies started intertwining together as a powerful link between us formed. "~Ahh~", she moaned softly feeling me being extremely close to her very being, literally.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora