Unexpected Rewards and Poseidon's budding feelings

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Poseidon Pov

I opened my eyes finding myself inside the little floating golden room that I have gotten used to living in, unsurprisingly a person was laying on my chest, it was none other than Dragon Witch, Jalter who had become a part of my Divine Realm gaining Immortality as other Heroic Spirits. She slowly moved a bit trying to gauge where she is, then she looked at me and a blush crept on her face.

Her eyes focused on my face and she continued staring at me, I sighed and said," Get off me", she broke from he daze and quickly stood up then she said," I-I apologize for that My Lord", I stood up and just waved my hand signaling it was fine, then I said," Anyway, this is my Divine Throne, you must have got the knowledge of it in your head by now?".

She nodded in affirmation and said," I have got it Lord, and it's amazing, Throne of Heroes is amazing to be free from the constraints such as time, also I am glad that I had joined your Divine Realm", her face was full of delight. I suddenly felt something changes in the Divine Realm and got near the window, looking down I found an Island on top of which lay a Grand Castle similar to the Castle where I stayed in the singularity.

Attributing it to the change caused by Jalter joining my Divine Realm, I looked at it with an interested look,' Not bad, also it is so much bigger than this small pocket of the room I have got here ', I thought, Jalter came beside and looked at the direction where was my gaze, and find the castle.

" This?!", she said with a hint of surprise, I glanced at her and said," Don't be surprised, every Mythical Hero receives their Mythical Realm which looks the same as the dearest place held in their heart. That Castle where we stayed is the place you most like, hence it manifested here within my Divine Realm".

" That's amazing", she said with a curious look on her face, I ordered her," Now, Go and check that place, I want to be alone for half an hour", her face turned into one of melancholy hearing that, obviously something I found amusing,' Is this is how love is? Even staying away from the one hurts this much? ', I thought.

She replied," Okay, My Lord", then she jumped from the window, I looked at her figure which was getting smaller in my eyes with curiosity,' It seems not all those shows and anime were fake, still it might be me who is a failure in love ', I thought remembering both of my lives, the only people I have ever wholeheartedly loved as Poseidon is my mother Rhea who died at that bastard Kronos's hands.

Then comes my brothers, Zeus and that no named brother who Hades saved, they are someone whom I have affection for, Hades will be my favorite brother and someone whom I respect, obviously Zeus isn't included, and even in my hundred lifetimes I won't respect someone like him, as for people I loved as Deepak, let's just say I shouldn't think about it after all my life as Deepak was f*cked up in the end.

Anyway, while Jalter is busy exploring that castle down below, I should see all the rewards I have received from that Singularity. I asked,' System I claim all the rewards that I have earned from this singularity '. Not even a second later a reply came with a projection of a holographic screen in front of my eyes.

[Ding! Master, distributing the rewards for the voluntary quest!

You have completed the Bonus Quests! Distributing the rewards!

1) Kill Seigfried summoned in this singularity.

Completion Rate: 100%

Reward:1/4th Piece of Custom Divine Dividing Gear has been bestowed!

Current No of Custome Divine Dividing Gear:3/4

2) Kill more than 10,000 humans on your own.

Reward: Unique Skill Merciless has been granted!], System replied.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz