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(Author's note: Don't get misled by the chapter's name, there is no ntr or betrayal at Poseidon's side, so no cucked teddy, but yes there is betrayal in this chapter which will make you say he deserved it!)


Poseidon Pov

I got back up the ship early morning, content with the sleep I had the previous night. My eyes fell on them who had gathered together to make some plans," I am back", I said garnering their attention, Artemis looked at me and pouted, then hugged teddy Orion so strongly that the poor bear's body stretched and looked away. I rolled my eyes at her tactics and asked," What all you are doing?".

Euryale came forward and said," Lord Poseidon! We are planning on how to get back at those Argonauts and finish the rest of them off", everyone nodded, and I replied," What is there to plan? With me, it will be as easy as handling some kids", Euryale nodded agreeing with my words and acting simpy she said," Yup! With Lord Poseidon with us defeating those arrogant Arognauts will be simple!".

"Well...", Ritsuka hesitated, suddenly Teddy Orion was shot with an arrow alerting everyone," An enemy attack?!", said Ritsuka surprised, I looked in the direction of the Island from where it was shot, and suddenly an arrow aimed at me arrived, I casually caught it with my hand to see tens of arrows flying towards me.

I silent casted a spatial spell freezing every one of them in their tracks, Artemis suddenly came in front of me shielding me, and said," Atalanta! What are you doing?!! Attacking my Uncle like that?!", I glanced at Atalanta kilometers away looking at me with hatred, seeing Artemis shielding me she gritted her teeth and put her bow down.

" Who was that?", asked Mash, Teddy Orion took the liberty of explaining and said," A greek Archer class servant, Atalanta", Artemis nodded and said, "She is a believer of mine, when we got summoned first we met her and later parted ways as she had something to search, Still that bad girl! Attacking my uncle and dear like that!", she pouted.

" Can we trust her? She attacked hi-Lord Poseidon after all", said Euryale with doubt, I said," This will be the second time I met her, the first time I met her in Singularity one as she was one of the servants my subordinate summoned", Mash gasped and said," That means!", I nodded and replied," She hates me as I helped Jalter commit those atrocities though I doubt she knows my real identity".

"Then what to do?", asked Ritsuka, I said," Let's go on that Island, despite the advantage we possess now, the thing she is guarding is a game changer, it will be bad if that were to fall in the possession of Argonauts", others nodded hearing that and we set sail to that Island, once arriving we went inside the jungle and encountered the Chaste Huntress.

She glared at me with unconcealed hatred in her eyes," You bastar-", she froze in fear as I glared at her," Finish saying what you want and you will be going back to the Throne of Heroes right this moment", everyone became tense hearing that, Artemis grabbed my hand and said," Leave it, Uncle! Although she is a bad girl, she doesn't deserve this!".

Glancing at Artemis who looked at me with a cute expression I sighed and deactivated my mystic eyes, seriously it made me surprised how different the Artemis of my world and she is, they seriously don't share a bit of similarity, one from my world is a man-hater with a bitchy attitude while she is a cute airhead.

A smile came on Artemis's lips seeing that I spared Atalanta who by now had fallen on the ground breathing heavily while sweating wildly, Artemis looked at her and said," Atalanata what you did is bad manners, so don't repeat it okay?", she glanced at me and clicked her tongue," If Lady Artemis says so then I shall suppress my hatred".

I ignored her, and she stood up and said," Follow me, I have found the Ark of Covenant", everyone hearing that started murmuring and following her, I followed her as well, suddenly she grabbed Teddy Orion and then glanced at me, she started talking with him, their voice was very low but I was easily able to hear them.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now