Da Vinci Chan is a pervert

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Poseidon Pov

I glanced at the servants in front of me arguing, I sighed loudly and that was enough for the room to be silent, Chiron said," Lord Poseidon, Astolfo after hearing about the massacre that Knights of the Round Table had been committing, under our noses he left the haven on his Hippogriff", others glanced at me for my reaction, after all what Astolfo did was somewhat equal to betrayal.

I glanced in a direction and used God's eye spell, to see Astolfo along with Ritsuka and the gang heading toward my city. Though from behind they were followed by Lancelot and his personal army. Then I glanced at all the servants present in the hall except, Jalter who had gone to challenge the Sun King and finish their group so we can take the rest of the refugees that I need from them.

It also was a means to train Jalter, as going against top-class servants would increase her coordination of magic and physical attacks considerably. Anyway, back to the current situation, I can see the army of Lancelot approaching rapidly their group, to be honest with their current matchup they won't lose against even the likes of Lancelot, as they had two powerful servants, a genius servant, a human having Excalibur and extremely durable Master, Ritsuka. Let's not forget about the femboy who had quite a bit of tricky abilities.

I glanced at the green-haired man and threw a disc at him, he caught it and looked at it confused. " Achilles, go and get Astolfo and the group they are with back here", I ordered, he nodded and asked," Lord Poseidon what about this disc though?", I replied," That's a mass teleportation instrument, just break it and everyone under a certain radius will be teleported here".

His eyes glistened hearing that, and an excited smile came on his face, he kept it carefully in his pocket, and after I gave him the general directions, summoning his chariot he quickly left for the femboy, I glanced at Artoria who was standing beside me and said," Get ready you will meet someone familiar". She frowned hearing my words, and asked," Someone from the Knights of the Round Table?".

(A/N: This is for pussies, Artoria currently views her knights as former subordinates and acquaintances nothing less, nothing more.)

I gave a small nod, not explaining it any further, She became silent almost losing her entire interest, it would seem the importance of Knights of the Round Table has almost faded in her heart.


3rd Pov

Astolfo alongside the Ritsuka's group walked through the dusty sand towards the direction of Poseidon's abode. They had made quite a distance between them and the Holy City, thus they were relaxed and had finally begun talking with each other. " So we are going towards the haven created by Poseidon?", asked Mash, Astolfo nodded with a cheerful smile present on his face and said," You will be definitely surprised, that place is quite beautiful and green".

"Is that so?", asked Ritsuka earning another nod of affirmation from the femboy who was on top of his Hippogriff, gliding slowly through the low attitude, Bedivere glanced at him and asked," Is that true, that King Arthur is with you?", he paused for a second and then glancing at him, he signaled his Hippogriff to land on the sand and said," Indeed, Lady Artoria had been handling the entire place on behalf of Lord Poseidon".

Hearing that a feeling of excitement and anticipation appeared in his eyes, although he knew from Merlin that the other Artoria was not the King Arthur knew, and it was mostly likely the Lion King who was his King, still the thought of meeting another King Arthur, who should be similar to his old King made him excited, there were a lot of things he wanted to talk with Artoria.

" Say Da Vinci chan, should we really go towards the haven of Poseidon and not the Sun King's place?", asked Ritsuka skeptically, Da Vinci sighed, well aware of his fear towards the King of the Seven Seas, and said," Well, it's not like we have a better option, and despite what had transpired in the first singularity, it was him who saved us in the third singularity, and even resolved the fifth singularity which we weren't able to Raysfhit you all, thus allying with him and the Neos Argonauts who have several servants and another King Arthur will ensure the chances of our winning ."

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