Love that crossed time and space(Part 2)

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3rd Pov

"So basically that's the gist of the things!", said Jeanne cheerfully with a radiant smile on her face, making her cuter and more beautiful than ever, while Poseidon's woman remained silent and tried to process the absurdity of the situation. " So let me get it straight, to search for Lord Poseidon you doomed various pan-human timelines, killed trillions, slayed Gods, and then got cursed? One so notorious that would break any human's sanity and yet you kept searching for Poseidon?", asked Jalter trembling, and looked at Jeanne carefully for any lies.

" Yes!", she said, and then nodded like a little girl. Then she shifted her focus back on the unconscious Poseidon and continued staring at his face, while her eyes involuntarily moved around his body. The whole situation was absurd, and Jeanne who had been freed from a curse far stronger than anything present in this world, was like an unshackled kid who got the toy she wanted.

She had an extremely bubbly personality which showcased that she had not changed much despite everything that had transpired. It made them question just how strong Jeanne's willpower was, after all, what she did was not just out of the norm, it was out of possibility! A pain that would make them feel like their skin is melting yet also pierced by needles, and then amplified by a thousand would break anyone, yes anyone except her.

" Damn, to think you killed more Gods than me, you have earned my respect as a warrior and a fellow god-slayer", said Scathach as she looked at dazed Jeanne," Um, Can I get near him?", she ignored her words and asked a question, which raised the brows of Poseidon's woman. "Of course not!! Who do you think you are? Huh?! I will not let you ogle my father and husband!!!", said Amara defensively protecting her father's chastity.

"Ouch!", cried Amara the next moment as the hand of Artoria landed on her head," You aren't his wife, yet", she said and then looking at Jeanne she sighed and said," My Liege allowed you to be in his embrace thus I think it is fine", her words made a big radiant smile erupt on Jeanne's face, who quickly hugged Poseidon and got on top of him, then with a happy smile she closed her eyes while lying on his chest.

If it was any other time Jalter would have outlasted, after all, in her eyes letting Jeanne be the lover of Poseidon was a slap on her face, but after the events that happened, she decided to let go of her hatred, of course only for this specific Jeanne! Scathach didn't have many problems either, not to mention she understood Jeanne was worthy to be Poseidon's lover, way more than her.

The only girl who had a problem was Amara, ignoring Poseidon's well-care, she didn't care a bit about what the big-boobed blonde went through. Why should she care for someone she hadn't met? In her eyes her Daddy's safety and life were topmost priority, then hers, and finally her mother's and she understood it was Jeanne who was the indirect reason for his current condition, so she didn't like her a bit.

Alas, she could not go against her mothers, at least till the stakes weren't that high, and could only pout in dissatisfaction. ' These old hags always claiming Daddy for themselves! Just wait bitches! I will make Daddy love me more than you can dream of!! ', Amara thought as her eyes turned cold, ' Not to mention the fucker who harmed Daddy, be ready I will fucking rip you apart!!!! ', her eyes turned even colder.

All of them could see Amara's not-so-hidden foul mood, but they kept quiet and ignored her. Meanwhile, Jeanne who was beyond saving now looked at Poseidon's lips like a hungry wolf,' Oh! He is in front of me! A peck wouldn't hurt right?! I mean he is unconscious but! It is just a peck! Not to mention I need to give my first kiss to him!!!!! ', she thought and then gathering her will power she closed in and kissed him on the lips.


A soft voice rang throughout the room, while the four looked at Jeanne in front of them who had attacked Poseidon speechless. ' This girl is beyond saving ', Artoria concluded realizing Jeanne might not be so alright after several centuries of that torture and decided to separate her from Poseidon lest she does anything else.

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