The villain is sent flying into a building

Kyoka: you ok?

Nagisa: He's no pushover I'll give him that but he definitely doesn't hit has hard as Kaito

Kyoka: that makes it easier

Nagisa: True but he's not going full force yet

Kyoka: how you wanna do this

Nagisa: simply we'll

They then get teliported to the gda base

Nagisa: what the what

Kyoka: uhh what just happened?

Cecil: we just saved your lives

Kyoka: how did you know we were in trouble

Cecil: because of him

They both gave him a confused look and looked ti were he was pointing and saw a boy that looked to be around their age

They both gave him a confused look and looked ti were he was pointing and saw a boy that looked to be around their age

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Boy: Sup, the names Marcus

Nagisa: and he is

Cecil: apparently a visitor from the future

Kyoka: Uhh apparently

Nagisa: What so like that other guy back there

Marcus: uh huh that's tight

Kyoka: how do we know he won't kill us it's been happening a lot lately

The boy showed them his ID and under it said guardian of the globe sound lizard

Nagisa: Ok yeah gotcha but uhh that's not a creative name

Marcus: yea blame my mentor he gave it to me

Nagisa: hehe gotcha so what's the deal with the other time traveller

Marcus: he's the grandson of the guy that kidnapped you

Nagisa: Yeah got that already but..

Kyoka: Why did he go through such lengths to kill us

Marcus: he's not, he's after Nagisa specificly

Nagisa: ugh so I guess it's my turn for a asshole to have a grudge against me for something I did to their family even though they tortured me

Kyoka: yea

Marcus: can we focus please

Nagisa: Sure so here's a question why did he go though such lengths I mean surely there's gotta be easier ways then time travel right?

Marcus: because you get really powerful in the future so much that the only way he can beat you is by defeating a weaker version of you aka you right now

Nagisa: it's gotta be said I'm pretty damn tired of people trying to kill me

Kyoka: we both are

Marcus: yea well i want spend the weekend with my girlfriend but i get called to take out a villain so I guess we can't get everything that we want

Nagisa: How'd you end up here anyway?

Marcus: that's mostly classified what I can tell you is time travel exists in the future I came from about 25 years in the future

Nagisa: got it..ok let's get down to business the sooner this is done the better

Marcus: agreed we don't need the timeline changed

Kyoka: yeah so anyway what do we need to do?

Marcus: We need to render him unconscious so I can take him back to my timeliness so he can face his crimes

Nagisa: sounds like a plan but he was definitely not going all out, tell me do you know how strong this guy really is?

Marcus: yes actually he punched a mountain with his full strength he'd make a crater

Nagisa: Well Damn but that's his full power so it's gotta take a lot of energy

Marcus: pretty much

Kyoka: Got it so what's his weakness

Marcus: well I don't know it hasn't been discovered yet

Kyoka: shit

Nagisa: uh huh

Marcus: yeah..I know it's a problem but we've got him three against one

Nagisa: that don't mean shit if we don't know what you can do

Marcus: rude

Kyoka: Alright tell us what you can do though?

Marcus sweats a little but coughs

Marcus technically I have two powers: One I'm superhuman so I'm naturally a hole lot stronger then the average person and as for my second I can create powerful shockwaves out of my body

Nagisa: got it I think we can make this work but it doesn't mean shit if we can't work together

Kyoka: Seriously babe calm down

Nagisa: I am calm!

Kyoka gives him a look that says she's not buying it

Nagisa looks called out but sighs

Nagisa: fine alright I am pissed

Marcus; anyway nagisa being pissed aside, he's got a point but as you can guess we don't have the time to learn to work together

Nagisa: so we gotta wing it

Kyoka: seriously you need to calm down

Nagisa: Sorry it's Naga he's pissed as well

Kyoka: he's always passed

Nagjsa: true it's more than usual through

Naga: Argh! I haven't fought in so long I wanna go at this guy!I want to finish off that stupid family!

Marcus: Fine let's do this, let's save the future!

Nagisa: yeah

Kyoka: let's do it

And that's a wrap

Oooh interesting right a friend of mine came up with this and I liked it so I'm doing it now

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