Chapter 20- The Mission

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Jay walked anxiously in silence, waiting for Lord Ras to speak. He wondered if Jordana had told Lord Ras about his headaches, and that was why he was summoned. This wasn't a normal sparring match or training lesson, Jay could tell it was something serious from Lord Ras's grim expression.
"Jay," Lord Ras said at last. "You have been with us for over three months now. It is time you become officially inducted into the ranks of my followers."
"Yes sir," Jay exclaimed, relieved it wasn't about his headaches.
"Before you can be inducted," Lord Ras explained, "You must prove your worth on a real mission. Succeed, and you will become an official follower. Fail, and you will no longer be welcomed in my monastery." Jay took a steadying breath. He was prepared to fight in order to keep his place.
"Understood. What is my mission?" Jay said, coming up beside Lord Ras.
"You are to launch an attack on the Mountain Monastery to retrieve the Medallion of Light."
     "Don't peaceful monks live there?" Jay said, confusion and concern creasing his eyebrows. "And what's the Medallion of Light?"
      "You will not hurt any monks during the attack. They will try to resist you, of course, but you are skilled enough that I'm confident you can achieve your goal without resorting to hurting any of them," Lord Ras assured him. "As for the Medallion's purpose, only fully inducted members can know that information. When you return from your mission successfully, I will answer all of your questions." Jay's gut twisted a little at those words. He didn't like the idea of stealing from peaceful monks without knowing why.
     I'm sure Lord Ras has a good reason, Jay thought to himself, unconvinced. He's not making you hurt people like the Administration did. And he's promising answers as well as a permanent place among his ranks.
      Lord Ras could see the internal struggle occurring inside of Jay. He knew this was the most delicate part of his plan. If Jay rose to the bait, his ploy would be executed flawlessly. However, if Jay disobeyed at this critical point, everything he worked for would be in jeopardy. Lord Ras knew he had to add some more incentive.
     "Jay, we also might be able to help you with a problem you've been having. There may be a way to get your memories back once you prove yourself worthy." Jay stared at him in shock, as if he had just been slapped.
     "How did you know about my missing memories?" Jay sputtered, before regaining his mask of calm and neutrality. Lord Ras smiled, knowing that he had hit the mark. The Master of Lightning was desperate to have his memories back. Not knowing his past had left him with a loss of identity. Lord Ras could tell Jay was struggling with not knowing who he was, or where he had come from.
     "I know many things," Lord Ras said vaguely. Jay straightened and stared down the valley at the other followers' training, considering his choices.
     I'm not going to hurt anyone, Jay promised himself. But I need to know who I am.
     "When do I leave?" He asked grimly. Lord Ras smiled triumphantly.
     "Tomorrow. You may bring two others with you." Jay bowed, and began to walk away to find Cinder and Jordana.
     "I will not let you down," Jay promised.
     "I know you won't," Lord Ras replied, smirking at Jay's retreating back as his plan clicked perfectly into place.

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