Chapter 6- Into the Darkness

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"I think I see something!" Kai exclaimed. Ever since Kai's supposed revelation about Jay, they had been moving twice as fast. Bonzle had started to have trouble keeping up with Kai's frenzied pace. It seemed like they had been almost sprinting for days, and she was about to say she needed to slow down when he had made his exclamation. Bonzle peered in the direction Kai was gazing in, and spotted a cave's entrance about fifty feet away. Kai took off running, and Bonzle had no choice but to hurry after him. They finally made it to the cave's mouth, and Bonzle bent over, panting tiredly.
    "This is the first new thing we've seen in..." Kai paused, unsure how long they had been stuck there. "Well, in a long time! This has got to be a way out." Bonzle sighed, not convinced. Suddenly, she saw a small wooden plaque to the side of the entrance.
    "What does that say?" she inquired, gesturing over to the plaque. Kai moved forward to read the inscription, squinting in the dimness of the poor lit realm.
    "It says: To all those who wish to find a way back from whence they came, they must pass through the trials of the pure heart. They must not fall trap to greed, pride, or selfishness. If all three trials are passed, the challenger may return home. However, fail, and you will never see the light of day again."
    "Well that's not ominous at all," Bonzle muttered.
    "Bonzle, don't you see?? This is our way out!" Kai's whole body lit up in flames, his hope igniting and determination settling onto his features.
    "You can't be serious. This is obviously some sort of trap," Bonzle said incredulously. "Why would a realm designed to keep the Forbidden Five in have such an easy way to get out?"
    "Because! It's the trials of a pure heart! None of the Forbidden Five have a pure heart, so they can't pass the trials. It must've been designed as some sort of safeguard in case innocent people, like us, got trapped in here!"
    "I don't know..." Bonzle said, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of optimism herself.
    "What other options do we have? This could be our only shot!" Kai argued. Bonzle slowly nodded and Kai grinned. "We are getting out of here, and then we are going to find Jay and bring him home!" Together, they entered the cave. As soon as they did, the lights blinked out of existence and they were plunged into darkness.

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