Chapter 14- A Trade

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The Administrator sat at his desk, staring menacingly at the trembling agent before him. After Agent Crimson's third slip up, he had made sure to make good on his promise and destroy her slowly and painfully. He took little pleasure in her destruction however, as he was so furious at the fact that his most valuable asset had escaped with such ease.
    "Sir," Agent Crimson's replacement squeaked. "No sign of Agent Walker. Our agents have combed through the woods around the Administration in its entirety, but he still hasn't turned up." The Administrator pounded on his desk, causing the trembling agent to almost jump out of his skin.
    "Failure is not an option," he growled. The agent nodded quickly. "You will find him or you will meet the same fate as Agent Crimson." The agent retreated even further, not even trying to mask his fear. The Administrator felt a wave of anger wash over him. All of his agents were stupid, incompetent, and slow. Their incompetence had lost him Jay Walker. AS IN JAY WALKER WHO COULD CONTROL LIGHTNING AND WAS THE KEY TO HIS ABSOLUTE CONTROL. His escape had thrown 5 years of the Administrator's planning down the drain. All the possibilities of being able to control one of the ninja were slowly slipping away from him. He slowly inhaled and exhaled, reigning himself in. If he killed all of his agents, he reminded himself, there would be no one left to carry out his bidding. Throughout this entire inner battle, the Administrator did not allow a hint of emotion to pass across his face. The poor agent had been waiting in the ominous silence, almost passing out in fear.
    "S-Sir," he stuttered, wringing his hands. "Someone sent this for you." He handed the Administrator an envelope.
    "How did this get through security?" the imposing man snapped.
    "I don't know sir. Someone just told me to deliver it to you," the agent timidly placed the envelope in front of the Administrator, who methodically opened it and began to read. Slowly, a smile spread across the Administrator's face. Perhaps this was more valuable than an unpredictable master of lightning. This was pure power, which he could wield without any opposition. Yes, he decided, still smiling wickedly. This was even better than a ninja.

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