Chapter 2- The Administrator

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Agent Jay Walker trudges towards the Administrator's office. He knows the Administrator will not be happy. His first field mission, to find and scrap some nindroid, had been a horrible failure. Not only that, but a weird glowing orb had shown him some odd version of himself. When he had looked at himself in that odd glowing sphere, the sight of those clothes made his brain hurt. It was almost as if he had seen them somewhere before. Worst of all, the orb had somehow known about his biggest secret: the ability to control electricity. Ever since that field mission, Jay could not feel at ease. He was sure that someone would burst into his office and haul him away to where they kept all the other "Anomalies" as they called them. He shuddered when he thought about the glass rooms that all the other Anomalies were kept, so called abominations of order. He had finally reached the Administrator's door, so lost in his own thoughts and worries he almost bumped into it. Steadying himself, he knocked on the door with a shaky fist.
"Come in!" a voice boomed from inside. Jay took a deep breath and let himself into the imposing office. The Administrator, a tall, sturdy man whose sharp features and cruel eyes were almost masked behind a wall of shadow, studied him from his desk. "Agent Walker."
"Sir!" Jay said, attempting to sound more confident than he felt.
"Your first field assignment was a failure," the Administrator growled, his cruel eyes bearing into Jay's. Jay tried not to cower under his intimidating glare. "However, I am not an unjust man. I always give my agents second chances."
"Yes sir, thank you sir!" Jay yelped, as a withering look from the Administrator shut him up.
"Before you are allowed to reenter the field, you must pay penance by working a job many find undesirable. You will have to work with the Anomalies." Jay's entire body filled with dread. He heard whispers of the cruel things that occurred in that department, descriptions of horror that haunted his nightmares. The thought of torturing innocent beings whose only crime was being different, like him, was enough to make him want to gag. The Administrator misinterpreted his look of dread for one of distaste.
"No one wants to be around those disgusting creatures, I know," the Administrator crooned in false sympathy. "They defile the sanctity of order and logic. But you must be taught there are consequences for your failures." The Administrator stood, signaling the meeting had concluded. Jay turned to leave as quickly as he could without seeming disrespectful.
"And Agent Walker?" the man with the cruel eyes said as Jay was halfway through the door. "The next time you make a mistake, it will be you behind those glass walls."

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