Chapter 16- Control

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Cinder approached Lord Ras, who had been studying his newest wave of recruits as they trained. Everyday, the ranks of masked wolf warriors grew, drawn by the promise of power and a place to belong. Lord Ras growled in frustration at their lack of skill. If his little bargain worked out, soon he would have someone on his side who could beat half of his entire force easily.
"Lord Ras," Cinder bowed respectfully as he joined his leader's side. "Our informants within the Administration were able to successfully bring the letter to the Administrator."
"And?" asked Lord Ras eagerly, his eyes flashing in greedy anticipation.
"He has agreed to our terms. He will relinquish the Master of Lightning to our control and order his agents to set up the fake attack in return for our incentive." Lord Ras smiled, his sharp teeth on full display.
"Perfect. Order five source dragons to be sent to the Administration. Has Jordana located the lightning ninja with her magic?"
"Yes sir. It took her longer than expected, but she has located him."
"Then I will prepare for the fight. Tell Jordana to meet me here in two hours. Remember Cinder, it is imperative that when the lightning ninja arrives everyone follows the script." Cinder nodded and briskly stroud away to find Jordana.
     Jordana sat on her bed, rocking back and forth. Ever since the blood moon, she had felt a loss of control within herself. It was almost as if there was somebody else inside of her, fighting to take over. She attempted to repress the feeling, to banish the other entity to the farthest recesses of her mind, but it was strong. She could feel the grip on her own mind slipping. Jordana was not a stupid girl. She had suspicions on exactly what was fighting for control, and she was scared to tell anybody else. There was a high possibility that Lord Ras would destroy her if she was harboring one of the Forbidden Five, or at least lock her up until he could find a way to control her. That wasn't going to happen. She was in control. She was strong. Control is mine, the voice whispered. No, I am strong. I am strong. I am in control. She countered, launching into another episode of rocking as a knock sounded at her door.
     "Jordana, Lord Ras wants you to lead him to the lightning ninja. Be ready to meet him in the courtyard in two hours," came Cinder's muffled voice. Jordana was able to break through her haze in order to offer up a quick response. As soon as Cinder's footsteps faded away, she fell back into her inner battle. She was strong, but she could only hold on for so long. Jordana knew she would lose eventually.

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