Chapter 12- Reunion

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Hey guys! My chapters are getting longer, let me know if you like that or would prefer me to go back to shorter ones. Also to you guys who voted for this story, thank you so much I'm so grateful for you!!

Skylor was free. She gazed up at the bright, clear sky for the first time in months and stretched out her arms as far as they would go. The portal the Anomalies had glitched as it closed, spitting people out in different directions near the road Jay had programmed it to. She knew now that it was Jay, beyond a shadow of a doubt. He was the only person who could control electricity like that, and even with his mask she could recognize his voice once there was no glass between them. As soon as the portal had closed, she had looked around desperately for him, but some Administration officers had managed to get through the portal and people had scattered. She got pushed along with the crowd, until she had lost track of where he was. Skylor was still in shock that Jay had broken the entire Anomalies Department security system, commanded hundreds of people into action, and then battled at least a hundred more so that all of the Anomalies could escape. She just didn't understand what had come over him. She had seen the blue ninja in action before, alongside the rest of the team, but he had seemed unstoppable during their escape. No one could touch him, and he seemed to have glowed almost with an aura of power surrounding him. She was wandering down the road, trying to organize her thoughts when she heard shouts coming from above. Glancing up, she saw Cole on the deck of the Bounty.
"Skylor?? Is that you?" the earth ninja yelled excitedly. Quickly a ladder was dropped, and Skylor quickly made her way up onto the ship. As she reached the top, Cole helped her up and gave her a hug strong enough to knock the wind out of her.
"Ow," she groaned and he quickly released her, a sheepish look on his face. Nya and Arin had come down to the deck. Nya looked confused until she caught sight of Skylor's face, dropping the sword that had been in her hands and enveloping her in a hug that was almost as fierce as Cole's.
"Skylor!" she exclaimed happily. "Where have you been?" Skylor suddenly felt the weight of what she had gone through fall heavily on her shoulders and she burst into tears, embarrassed of her weakness. Cole and Nya exchanged worried glances and led her inside the Bounty's cabin, handing her some tea and trying to comfort their distressed friend. Neither of them had seen Skylor look so broken, even after having to betray her own father. Arin hung around just outside the room, unsure how to react. He had never met Skylor but he felt distressed by her outburst almost as much as the other two. Finally, Skylor calmed down enough to tell them everything that had happened to her since the Merge.
"After the merge, I landed in another part of the Realm of Insanity, which is where the Administration is located. I wandered through there for years, trying to find my way back to Ninjago but with no success. I went through some really weird places," she recounted, shuddering. "I thought wandering around the Realm of Insanity was bad enough, but about six months ago I ran into some Administration agents. They were trying to take some woman away from her family because of some supposed crimes she committed against the Administration. I tried to fight back using my powers, but my powers were so depleted that they overpowered me pretty quickly," she admitted, ashamed of the memory. She started to tremble, and Nya grasped her hand tightly.
"You don't have to talk about this right now," Nya said gently. Skylor shook her head and continued.
"They captured me and brought me to the Administration, where I was classified as an Anomaly because of my elemental powers. The Administration thinks that anyone who doesn't fit their stupid rules and regulations are abominations who need to be punished. So that's what they did," she said shakily.
Just then, there was some commotion outside on the deck. Skylor paused her story and the four of them went out to inspect the disturbance. It was Lloyd and his group, who had come aboard with Kai so he could see Nya and the others. When Nya saw Kai, she started sobbing and ran up to, almost tackling him. He lifted her up and they held each other.
"I love you so much Kai," she told him.
"Aw you missed me that much? I was only gone for two weeks," he joked. She slapped him and he set her down, catching sight of Skylor.
"Skylor?" he whispered. They ran towards each other, and he kissed her like the world was ending. She melted into him, crying out of happiness this time. For the first time in five years, she felt safe. She was finally home. After everyone had calmed down, they gathered back inside the Bounty's cabin to hear the rest of Skylor's story. They had filled those who hadn't been there with everything she had recounted so far, and Skylor took a deep breath, preparing herself to tell them the rest.
"So, the Administration branded me as Anomaly and sent me to the Anomalies department. There were hundreds of other prisoners, all of them in glass cages that didn't have any privacy. The agents told me I was going to start the Purification process, to supposedly cure what made me different. I honestly think they don't even believe it works, it's just a justification for torture," she told them, her voice breaking on the word torture. Kai wrapped his arm around her, his warmth bringing her out of the cold place she had just been and reminding her they couldn't hurt her anymore.
"They would press a button that sent all this energy into the cells, and it was so painful I couldn't even think, or breathe." Kai's eyes filled with anger, and Skylor knew that if he could he would kill every single one of the people who had hurt her. "I saw so many bodies," she said hauntedly. "So many people went insane. It was all I could do to not break. Then one day, this new agent came. He seemed genuinely sorry for what he was doing, which I had never seen before. I was looking at his eyes and they were so full of guilt, and while I was looking at them it struck me that they seemed familiar. I couldn't place them though. Then a few days later, the same guard was on duty and he suddenly just exploded. Like everything went white and when I could see again the door to my cell was open. He started giving instructions and then he started attacking the guards with electricity from his hands." A collective inhale of breath was heard from around the room.
"I knew it! I knew Jay was at the Administration," Kai exclaimed.
"Yes, he was," Skylor confirmed. Nya looked ready to jump out of her seat to go look for him, and Cole was already standing up from his chair.
"Wait," Skylor told them. "He's not there anymore." Cole sank slowly back into his seat.
"Where is he?" Nya asked urgently.
"I don't know," Skylor admitted sadly. "He took down about a hundred guards then opened up a portal for everyone else to leave. I lost sight of him in the chaos."
"A hundred?" Kai said skeptically.
"Maybe more. I've never seen Jay fight like that. It was like he had an aura of power around him," Skylor told them. They glanced at each other, uncertain what to make of this. They knew Jay was powerful and brave, but they had never seen him take down so many enemies his own.
"We should go to the Administration anyways," Lloyd told them. "Maybe there's a chance he's still around the area."
"That's highly improbable," Zane informed them solemnly. "I doubt he would've stayed anywhere near the people he was trying to escape from."
"We don't seem to have a lot of options right now," Cole told him. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. He's so close!"
"Okay, what are we sitting around here for? Let's go find our lightning boy," Kai said determinedly. Nya set course and soon they were on their way to where Skylor had last seen Jay.

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