Chapter 3- A Spark of Hope

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Kai and Bonzle drifted through the nothingness they were plopped in for what felt like an eternity. Kai could've sworn they passed the exact spot they were walking by like a hundred times already. No matter how much they walked, they never seemed to get any closer to getting back to their friends. Kai and Bonzle had only each other for company and entertainment, and by this time, Kai felt as though she had recounted all the hundreds of years she had existed. Today, Kai had been telling her about Master Wu and how he had appeared to several of the ninja as a glowing gold orb.
"A glowing orb?" Bonzle asked, recognition sparking in her eyes.
"Yeah, why?" Kai asked curiously.
"I saw a glowing orb during the battle with the Administration," she explained.
"Really? What did it do?" Kai demanded, interested in something for what felt like the first time in months.
"Well this Administration agent was holding me at gunpoint," she explained. "The orb floated over to him and showed him an image of himself shooting lightning or something. I don't really know what happened after that, he was distracted so I ran," Kai had stopped walking and Bonzle shot him a concerned look. "Are you okay?"
"Lightning? Out of his hands??" Kai yelled excitedly. Bonzle gave him a confused look.
"I think so? I couldn't really tell, I ran away as soon as he took his eyes off of me."
"What did the agent look like?" Kai was excited now, pacing back and forth. Bonzle hadn't seen him this full of life and energy since they had gotten trapped here.
"I don't really remember," she said cautiously.
"Please Bonzle! It's important!" He had stopped pacing and was looking at her with such intensity she was uncomfortable.
"Umm well, he was kind of average height with brown orangish hair," she said, trying hard to concentrate on her memory of him. "Sorry I can't really remember anything else, I was kind of distracted by the gun pointed at me. Why? Do you know him?" Kai had resumed pacing, something resembling hope flickering on his face. Bonzle felt like the hope was a bit misplaced considering the guy had threatened her with a firearm.
"I think you might have seen Jay," Kai whispered, as if saying it any louder might make it untrue. Flames danced in his hands as his excitement grew, without him even noticing.
"Jay? As in Master of Lightning, one-of-the-ninja Jay?" Bonzxle said skeptically.
"Yes! It must be him! There's only one person in the merged realms that can wield lightning like that," he exclaimed. Bonzle hated to crush the first joy he had in weeks, but she had serious doubts.
"Why would he be working for the Administration?" she asked gently. Kai was not subdued by the question as she had hoped, but rather the flames around him grew brighter.
"He could be undercover. Or they could be forcing him," he theorized, his pacing growing more agitated. "Either way I know in my gut that it was him. We need to get out of here so that we can tell the others and bring him home!" Kai started walking again, doubling his pace and forcing Bonzle to sprint just to keep up. She sighed sadly, knowing that his theory was most likely wrong. However, anything that gave him hope in this hopeless place was worth indulging in. Maybe his renewed energy and purpose really would help the two of them find a way out of here.

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