Chapter 9- The Trials

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     "Bonzle! Where are you??" Kai yelled desperately as the world became dark. No response. Kai had the sinking feeling that perhaps Bonzle was right, and this really had been a trap meant to separate them. Suddenly, as if someone had turned the lights back on, Kai was standing in a glittery room full of treasure. He was standing in the middle of a path surrounded on all sides with enough gold he could probably buy all of Ninjago City if he wanted. There was a small sign next to him with only two words etched into the wood: touch nothing. Understanding that this was the first challenge, Kai carefully made his way down the treasure lined path, being sure not to touch anything.
     "This must be the test of greed," he muttered, looking around at the piles of jewels and gold as he walked. "There's no way a piece of gold is going to tempt me into abandoning hope of going home." As he walked, he slowly found the treasures more and more tempting. They shifted from simple gold and jewels to things much more specific to him: a necklace that could make any girl fall in love with you, a car that he had always wanted, the golden weapons that had long been lost. Kai kept his eyes firmly trained on the path ahead of him, trying to ignore the instinct to reach out and touch things. Finally, he came to the end of the path. A door swung open, revealing another room. Kai quickly stepped through the door, breathing a sigh of relief.
     "That wasn't too bad," he sighed. "Maybe this will be easier than I thought!" He looked around trying to stay alert for the next challenge. The world suddenly shifted around him again, and he was dropped in the middle of Ninjago City. Kai looked around excitedly.
    "Wait, that's it? I passed the test?" He asked no one. Some people passing by gave him odd looks, until recognition dawned on their faces and the confusion was replaced with awe.
    "Oh my goodness!!" a girl screamed, pointing at Kai. "It's Master Kai!" She rushed over to him, along with a dozen other civilizations, all of them asking questions and asking for autographs.
    "What's it like being the best ninja?" one man shouted.
     "Is it hard leading the entire team?" a girl crooned sympathetically.
     "The other ninja must be so grateful, they would all be dead if it wasn't for you," said another man. Kai backed up, his mind reeling at their bizarre questions. Best ninja? Leader of the team? Sure, Kai was a good ninja, but he wouldn't say he was the best. Everyone brought valuable things to the table. However, the more compliments the fans threw at him, the more he began to relish the attention. He wanted to hear more compliments and see more people look at him with awe and adoration. Maybe he did deserve this recognition. After all, he was pretty great. Bitterness began snaking its way into Kai's head. The ninja didn't appreciate everything he did for them. They always disregarded his ideas. He was the dumb one to them. The hothead who never knew when to back down from a fight. Well at least he knew when to fight. The rest of them were all cowards, who didn't deserve the title of ninja. He should teach them a lesson, so they finally learn to treat him with respect. They were nothing but sniveling, cowardly children without him. He deserved the title of the green ninja. He should lead the team. At that last thought, Kai paused. What was he thinking? His team were the best, bravest people he knew. They were his family! Why was he thinking these horrible thoughts? The realization of what was happening hit him like a truck mid signing an autograph. This was the test of pride! The cave was trying to see if he would succumb to his prideful nature.
"Kai! Is it true that the green ninja is weak and needed you to save him in the last battle?" Now realizing this was all an illusion, Kai almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the question.
"No, that's not true," Kai responded firmly. "The green ninja is one of the strongest people I know. Everyone on the team deserves the same level of respect and recognition, because they are all amazing ninjas." The crowds looked disappointed. They muttered angrily and Kai smiled as they faded into nothingness. Ninjago City was replaced with a wooden sign that read: "Congratulations! You have passed all the tests. We have determined your heart is pure, so there is no need for the third test. You may return home by going through the portal. Make sure you hold the medallion in order to pass through safely." Below the sign says a little gold medallion. Kai grinned and scooped it up. Just then, Bonzle blinked into existence.
"Bonzle!" Kai cried, running over and hugging her. "We made it! We're going home!" Bonzle smiled and hugged him back, breathing a sigh of relief.
"We're going home," she said happily, starting towards the portal.
"Wait," Kai warned, pulling her back. "You need to get the medallion next to that sign first or else you won't get home safely." Bonzle nodded and ran over to the sign. After reading it, she frowned, turning back to him with a puzzled look on her face.
"There's no medallion here," she told him. He rushed over, and sure enough there was no medallion.
"It was just sitting there when I got here," he said, puzzled. Bonzle gazed at him sadly.
"I knew it was too easy," she muttered.
"What do you mean?" he asked, starting to worry at the defeated expression on her face.
"Only one of us can pass through the portal Kai," she explained softly. Kai shook his head furiously, while knowing what she said was the truth.
"We both made it through! That's not fair," He said desperately.
"Go," she ordered. "Tell the others about Jay. I'll find another way out." he shook his head, stubbornly not moving. "Go Kai! I'll be fine! You need to find your friend."
"No. I'm not leaving you here," he said fiercely.
"You have no choice," Bonzle said gently, leading him towards the portal. Kai knew Bonzle would never go without him, which left him only one option. He charged her, pressing the medallion in her hand and pushing her into the portal.
"Yes I do," he said softly, watching the portal close behind her, leaving him trapped alone in this horrible realm. The world blinked around him again, and the scene seemed to reset. He was standing in the same room, with the portal and the sign. Kai blinked in confusion. He walked towards the sign, reading the inscription: "Congratulations! You have passed all three tests!" Below the sign were two medallions. Kai was shocked. That had been the last trial, the trial of selfishness.
"Kai?" a voice behind him asked tentatively. It was Bonzle. Kai swept her up in a hug, and they both broke down laughing and crying.
"Are you real?" he whispered.
"Yes. Are you?" she answered. He nodded, and they walked over to pick up the medallions. They approached the portal, and Kai couldn't believe it. They had done it.
"Ready to go home?" Bonzle asked, smiling for the first time since they got there.
"Yes!!" Together, they jumped into the portal and immediately began falling from the sky to their deaths.

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