I found my destined mate

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Mr. Han's gaze, heavy with concern, falls upon Jeongguk once more as he relays his mother's persistent request for his presence at home. Jeongguk's attention is momentarily torn from the pile of documents before him as he meets Mr. Han's eyes with a nod, his expression betraying nothing. 

The assistant, acutely aware of the weight of delivering such news to Madam Jeon, feels a shiver of apprehension course through him. He braces himself for the inevitable storm that will follow when he informs her that her son, consumed by his duties, cannot heed her call.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Jeongguk wasn't idle. In the aftermath of the recent broadcast, Gandok was alive with gossip and murmurs, and the once-cohesive cabinet now openly expressed their disapproval of Jeongguk's actions, complicating matters further. Despite juggling the myriad issues plaguing both the military base and the company, Jeongguk found himself entangled in a web of challenges.

His decision to postpone meeting his family, though pre-planned, weighed heavily on him, especially in light of his mother's persistent calls. Mr. Han, while not privy to all the intricacies of Jeongguk's situation, couldn't shake the feeling that Jeongguk needed to have a candid conversation with his mother, to clarify his reasons and alleviate her concerns.

With a knowing smile, Jeongguk gestures for his assistant to make the call, instructing him to inform his mother that he would indeed join them for dinner, citing an important matter he needed to discuss. Jeongguk couldn't help but be amused by the mixture of relief and gratitude that washed over Mr. Han's face at his decision. 

As Mr. Han scurries off to complete the task, Jeongguk's gaze drifts to the imposing pile of documents on his desk. Leaning back in his chair, he contemplates the weight of the impending revelation he must make about his mate. The thought of his mother's inevitable favor of Ella and the Ji family only adds to the urgency of his decision. 

Following his recent encounter with Taehyung, Jeongguk found himself resolved to disclose the truth about their relationship to his parents sooner rather than later. The tension within the cabinet and the animosity from the Ji family weighed heavily on him, and the looming threat only heightened his urgency to protect Taehyung.

Jeongguk understood that in order to ensure Taehyung's safety and openly care for his mate, he needed the support and understanding of his family. With danger lurking around them, keeping secrets was no longer an option.

As Mr. Han gently reminded Jeongguk about the dinner before departing for the evening, Jeongguk acknowledged the reminder with a nod. Before leaving, he instructed his assistant to arrange meetings with some crucial individuals.

When Jeongguk made his way to the Jeon mansion, the atmosphere seemed to shift palpably around him. He could feel the weight of his mother's displeasure hanging in the air, evidenced by the subtle glances and hushed whispers exchanged among the attendants.

Upon his arrival, Jeongguk's expectations were met as he caught sight of his mother's stern countenance. Bella's terse nod in response to his greeting spoke volumes. Her attention swiftly diverted to her younger son as she instructed him to retreat to his room and rest. 

Jaehan suddenly moves and embraces Jeongguk's leg, catching him off guard. His younger brother's reluctance to part is evident in the tightness of his grip. Mrs. Jeon's glares watching him being inobedient, swiftly reminded Jaehan of his place, the little one shrinks back in fear, hurt evident in his eyes.

Jeongguk offers a comforting pat to Jaehan's head, his heart aching at the hurt reflected in his brother's gaze. He leans to whisper to his brother who had shown a bit of courage to cling to him. "Listen to your mother. We'll have time to talk later," he reassured him. His own guilt gnawing at him for the lack of attention he often paid to his brother.

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