Near yet so far

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Taehyung feels the chill air numbing his senses and the antidote making his body feel weird from the inside. It was burning and causing a sharp pain in his heart. He was sure he could not last for long. Tears fall from his eyes as he thinks of his parents and brother. He wanted to see them once. 

He wanted to apologize to Hoseok and tell him that he is not just the best friend but the best brother like his Jinnie hyung. He wanted to ask for forgiveness from Yoongi and ask Namjoon to take care of his brother.

But his lips felt numb, his chest felt tight and everything around him was turning dull. Taehyung thinks of his mother and wanted to call her but his body gets numb and not responding to his will.

Still not giving up he tries to open his eyes and requests the guards there to call Jeongguk. Maybe the true blood alpha will for once take pity on him. He opens his eyes and sees whiteness everywhere. Not able to withstand the light, he closes his eyes, scared of losing his eyesight.

He hears several voices talking in a language he couldn’t understand. They kept saying something indecipherable to him, scared and anxious as to what is happening he shouts, 

“Who is there?” The voices become quiet only for a while.

Taehyung feels goosebumps all over him. He tries to pay attention to them and is surprised when suddenly they start repeating one sentence in his language. 

“Who are you?”

He opens his eyes but sees no one there. “I can’t see you.” He calls, scared, his body was unable to move he was lying there and looking around anxiously.

“Am I dead?” He asks.

“Not sure if dead sees us.” The voices answer and laugh. 

“Why can’t I see you?” Taehyung asks still not able to understand what is going on and what is wrong with him.

“We have no appearance, we can be anything you want us to be, just think about it and we will be manifested in that form.” Taehyung frowns but then subconsciously thinks of people like him. 

He opens his eyes and sees several humans circling him, staring at him, and smiles gracing their faces. He shivers looking at them.

“Where am I?” He asks, shivering from fear. “And who are you guys?”

“We are the protectors the ones who formed and protect nature. We are the forest, land, wind, rain, mountain, flora, and fauna.” The humans look alike says staring at him.

Taehyung stares at them and then sees their changing appearance. The forest becomes a deity with a wooden crown up her head, the land master becomes a male and has a solid crown, and the wind deity has grey eyes staring deep into his soul while her beautiful features were calm. 

The rain had a cloudy appearance with lightning circling his forehead, the flora was beautiful with flowers around a vine crown while the fauna had antlers over his head. The mountain deity was giving him an aloof look. 

They check themselves and then laugh at Taehyung. “Is this how you imagine us human?” 

They all say it together. Taehyung feels embarrassed, hearing them he couldn’t help but remember the story his grandmother told of these deities. She believed there was a power protecting us.

“What…what do you mean?” He asks hesitantly.

“It is simple, our appearance is your imagination. We don’t know how we look, you gave us a good appearance.”

Enigma of Darkness//VkookWhere stories live. Discover now