A mother's love

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Taehyung wakes up in the morning with a headache. He groans as Lizu keeps pulling on his blanket to wake him up. He sits up, defeated by the dog. His throat felt dry, and his body was aching everywhere. Holding his head, he curses the bright light entering the room.

As the clock moves to 7, his penguin wishes him good morning in a cheerful voice and makes a squeaking sound. Then proceeds with the motivational thought for Taehyung. 

He groans upon hearing it and rethinks of his decision on having this annoying thing. The penguin carries on with its duty and warns him about the light shower that day.

Taehyung holds his head and falls forward on the bed, unable to control the pain. The penguin keeps doing its job. It proceeds to the news that involves primarily the work of the Yeon Ji empire. The visits Yeon made to places strengthened the infrastructure of the Gandok and security in collaboration with Jeon corporations.

Lizu barks at the penguin, not liking its voice like Taehyung. The alpha curses the two for being loud. He wants to quieten the penguin but halts as it narrates the news about the incident that took place in the famous supernova club where the young masters of the pillars showed their power, taking down the alphas who were patrolling against people breaking the laws. 

Taehyung sits up straight upon hearing it. He stares in hatred at the penguin announcing the news. He was not expecting anything better from these journalists. They will twist everything he does and takes the chance to call out his name as the highlight of the incident.

Lizu paws at the penguin, successfully causing it to fall, yet the wounded penguin fulfills its responsibilities, relaying the news. The dog and the penguin battle with all their might while Taehyung busies himself with checking his phone. 

It is hard to even look at the screen at the moment. He has no memory of what happened the previous night and wanted to make sure he called his brother to take him home. His eyes travel to notifications.

Taehyung opens Jeongguk's message and reads it. His eyes narrow at what this text means. Has Jeongguk lost it? Then he clicks on his voice message. His face pales. The memory of the previous night in the club floods in. His childish competition with Jimin, their recording the message, and then fighting with the buffed men. 

His face changes color as the memory of Jeongguk holding him resurfaces, and him calling Jeongguk words and poking his cheeks makes Taehyung go red in shame and annoyance. Taehyung shouts in horror, throwing the phone away. 

He pulls the blanket and falls on the bed, lifeless, covering himself in a blanket in shame. “Just die already.” He shouts to himself.

Lizu paws the penguin and licks it, rolling it on the floor. Taehyung remains motionless. He kicks the blanket and punches his pillow in anger. Then sits up, making Lizu alert.

Taehyung glances at the dog, then moves forward and grabs its face, and starts shaking it. “Why did you go there? Just why?”

The clueless dog gets dizzy and barks at him, making Taehyung move back onto the bed, scared and gaining back his senses. He stares at the dog. 

Isa hears the noise and knocks on the door. She enters after peeking inside. She smiles, watching Taehyung and Lizu staring at each other, and walks inside with a tray to sit on the bed.

Like morning dew, she looked fresh and elegant in her purple dress and younger than her age. She smelled pleasant and comforting. Taehyung looks at his mother in surprise.

“How is my son feeling now? I have brought some soup to relieve your hangover.” She says, stirring the soup gently to cool it a bit. 

Taehyung looks at her and then at the bowl, he sits properly. “My head is hurting.” He answers and reaches out to take the bowl when she holds his palm. 

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