The beta and a dog

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Taehyung comes out of the bar anxiously, the first reason was, him seeing that lady again and the other one was, he has to stay away from Jeongguk's pheromones to not get affected by them. If stayed away in time the pheromones will not affect him much. He hears the call of his name and quickly hides behind a wall to not be seen by Jeongguk.

He watches as Jeongguk looks around calling his name. Clenching the bottle tight to his chest he closes his eyes and leans on the wall, not wanting to be noticed by the alpha. After a while and regulating his breath, he peeks again and sees Jeongguk's disappointed face.

Taehyung was surprised that Jeongguk came looking for him and was even upset to not find him. Then Mr. Han comes and the emotions on Jeongguk's face disappear, Taehyung takes this chance and quickly leaves the place.

Walking and drinking, he becomes the talk of the passerby who either whispers about him or avoids walking next to him. Taehyung doesn't care about the opinion of the people, he sees a park and goes inside to rest on the bench, lying down he looks at the starry night.

He was exhausted and wanted to rest for a while, the darkness was soothing for him and the stars made him remember the people whom he love but has left him. His grandparents. "Grandad I miss you." He stares at the twinkling stars "Have you met Gana and Dokja...are they still together? Will they understand me?... Are they disappointed in me?... Are you?"

There was only silence in response and the loud chirping of crickets. Taehyung takes a few more sips from the bottle. His phone starts to ring. He sniffles and takes it out, wiping his eyes, he squints and stares at the caller ID showing "Jinnie hyung" He keeps looking at the screen. Then as the ring stops he turns the phone off.

"Sorry, I want to be alone." He says as an apology, muttering it to himself.

The cool air causes a shiver. Taehyung turns to one side and lies in the fetal position. "I won't give up easily" He mutters. The breeze feels like lulling him to sleep. He dozes off in the calm of the night, and the bottle slips from his hand and rolls over to one side. The lady in white stands there watching him, then slowly sits on the grass, pulling her leg near to her chest, she stares at him.

"No sense of fear, this is how chosen ones are...but you are causing your suffering. Acknowledge me." She says softly. Her voice was calm and her presence divine. Taehyung's body relaxes as she touches his forehead, pushing away the hair covering his forehead.

She then looks up at the moon and hums slowly in a beautiful mild tone, like a mother singing a lullaby to her young ones. Taehyung quickly falls in deep sleep and a dream appears, he finds himself running around a foggy place but he was not anxious, a beautiful humming sound calls him towards it, he was not afraid of what he will witness, this sound was helping him to see the path clearly, he gasps and a smile appears on his face as the sound leads him to a field of flowers. He is mesmerized by the beauty but before he could touch the flowers, he hears a deep voice call his name.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk's voice reaches his ear making him shiver and open his eyes. He sits up and hisses feeling soreness in his body from sleeping on the wooden bench. He looks up at the sky that was slowly turning lighter. The sun was about to appear in the sky.

He gets up and comes out of the park walking slowly toward his home. There were few people on street. Some cleaned the place, others got up early for exercises while some doing their work, and few medical shops were opened but it seems like the city was still asleep and quiet. Taehyung stretches his back and starts to walk looking for a vending machine to drink something. His head was in slight pain and his mouth dry.

Enigma of Darkness//Vkookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن