The missing doctor

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Taehyung looks down at the young boy wearing specs, well-dressed in a suit, and hair styled neatly. The boy feels hesitant by the stare from the handsome man but does not back off, scrunching his nose, he tries to meet the gaze. The small nose and rosy lips, even the face-cut remind him of the true blood he had danced with a few minutes before. 

Taehyung smiles, eyes softening as the hesitant gaze fixes on him. “Little one, you should not put your hands on something that belongs to others.”

The boy glances at the cupcake, the colorful sprinkles on the frosting attracting him, making his mouth water and then anxiously looks up at Taehyung. The person in front of him is very handsome. When he saw Taehyung approaching the table he was awestruck and forgot to grab the cupcake that was in front of him.

This big brother doesn't seem to be in the mood of giving the delicious cupcake to him. He composes himself and says “This is mine as I touched it two seconds before you.” His tone was soft, the threat was like a whisper in Taehyung's ear. It was not like this was the only cupcake left there but both had their eyes set only on this one.

Taehyung raises his brow “What if I say I didn’t wash my hands after coming from the washroom, would you still like to eat it?”

The boy looks at him with wide eyes, he scrunches his nose again and pulls back his hand wiping it with a clean handkerchief. Taehyung smiles smugly take the vanilla cupcake and was ready to put it whole in his mouth but the boy stops him.

He looks up at him in horror and shakes his head, “You should not eat it, wash your hands…” Taehyung snorts hearing this the boy frowns and continues “And should not make that sound, it is not good”

Taehyung sighs, keeping the cupcake aside, he asks. “Who told you this?”

The boy smiles his eyes shining, “My brother.” He admires his brother. Taehyung looks down at the little one and leans to his level.

He pats the head of the little one “It is good that you follow rules but don’t be too stiff, you can let go sometimes…like now” Taehyung points towards Jeongguk and says “Or you will become like him…annoying” He makes a face, then meets the eyes of the little one.

The boy frowns and opens his mouth to retort but Taehyung beats him to it. He points to the various pastries that were placed on the table “Want to taste them?”

The little one looks at him skeptically not able to decide, Taehyung smiles “Don’t worry my hands are clean, I was just joking” This makes the boy frown but also relaxes his nerves, putting his guard down a smile bursts on his cheeks with a red flush. This big brother is not that bad.

“A few won’t be a problem right?” He asks almost in a whisper. Taehyung chuckles picking up a plate.

“Which one?” He asks raising his brows. The boy flushes more and stands next to him pointing at various delicacies he wanted to taste. Taehyung places them carefully on the plate and the two sit on one side, out of sight of Jeongguk to enjoy it.

“Mommy, daddy, and hyung don’t allow me to eat them much. They say it is bad for health.” 

He takes a smile bite, pauses while chewing it, and then after cleaning his mouth speaks again “But my friend in school brings donuts sometimes and I eat them with him. He brings extra, just in case Corwin snatches it from us, we have a few left with us” 

Taehyung’s ears perk up at the last sentence “Who is Corwin?” He asks.

“Corwin is the boy who has a group of tall friends, the class does whatever he says, if we don’t follow, he causes trouble for us.” The boy answers him while taking another bite. His specs slide a bit down. Taehyung helps to position them so that he can eat without hindrance and asks,

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