Veiled love

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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open to the dull throb of a headache, his temples pulsing in protest against the morning light seeping through the curtains. Before he could fully register his discomfort, a polite knock echoed through the room, followed by the butler's insistent voice urging him to come downstairs as the Young Master awaited his presence. With a resigned groan, Taehyung dragged himself upright, his muscles protesting the movement.

Ignoring the lively penguin figurine perched on the side table, engrossed in its morning news, Taehyung stumbled towards the bathroom to freshen up, hoping the cold water would wash away not only the sleep but also the throbbing ache that had settled in his head overnight.

As Taehyung made his descent down the grand staircase, he couldn't help but notice the intensity of the gazes fixed upon him. The weight of their scrutiny only served to deepen his throbbing headache, causing him to falter slightly before regaining his composure.

Jin's disdainful scoff sliced through the tense atmosphere as Taehyung finally reached the bottom step. With a nonchalant gesture, Jin tossed several photographs onto the polished surface of the table, the images stark against the elegant backdrop.

"Do you remember this?" Jin's voice carried an edge, each word dripping with accusation as he leveled a piercing gaze at his brother, demanding an explanation.

Taehyung squinted as he focused on the photographs scattered across the table. The images captured the drunken moments between him and Jimin, frozen in time with alarming clarity. A tight knot formed in his stomach as he took in the sight of them locked in a tender embrace, on the verge of a kiss.

The tension in the photograph was clear as the guards and his brothers were trying to separate them in the photographs. Taehyung feels dread, his complexion drained of color, leaving his face a pallid mask of shock and realization. The weight of the situation settled heavily upon him, each breath feeling more suffocating than the last.

Jin's dry smile held no warmth as he spoke, his words cutting through the charged air with precision. "Good that you have a conscience," he remarked, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm. "But do you have any idea what a mess you created last night and how much trouble it took for me to clean it up?"

The weight of Jin's words bore down on Taehyung, his sense of guilt magnified by his brother's stern demeanor. A wave of remorse washed over him as he realized the extent of the chaos he had inadvertently caused, his heart sinking with each passing moment.

Taehyung's body slumped heavily onto the plush sofa, his eyes fixated on the damning photographs spread out before him. The events of the previous night replayed in his mind like a relentless tide, each memory flooding his senses with overwhelming intensity. Suddenly, amidst the chaotic whirl of images, a simple yet profound declaration echoed in his ears: "Love you, Gukkie hyung."

The weight of those words hit him like a tidal wave, stirring a tumultuous mix of emotions within him. He shut his eyes tightly as if trying to block out the flood of thoughts and feelings threatening to consume him. With a pained grimace, a curse escaped his lips, a visceral expression of his inner turmoil. His head throbbed in time with his racing heart, leaving him feeling utterly overwhelmed and lost.

Taehyung's horror-filled gaze met his brother's stern countenance, and then, with a dramatic flourish, his expression transformed, morphing into an exaggerated look of innocence. His eyes widened, and his lower lip quivered ever so slightly, a perfected facade of vulnerability that he knew had the power to soften even the hardest of hearts.

Jin, despite his resolve, felt a twinge of softness tug at his resolve as he gazed upon his brother's artfully crafted expression. The familiar pang of guilt tugged at his conscience, a reminder of the complexities of their relationship.

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