Fall of a hero

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Taehyung watched the whole ceremony, saw his parents, and how Jin saved the day for Yeon. He saw the reaction of people. Some celebrated while some were doubtful. He and the doctor waited in the car till the traffic was allowed to move.

By the time their car started moving, he felt tired. Lizu was quiet, heartbroken with how its master left. Taehyung was sad but was also exhausted, he knew he was going to get scolded by his parents now that they are here and had found out that he ran away from home.

He goes to the old doctor's house after the traffic jam clears up. The wife of the doctor had prepared a meal for them. She looks at Taehyung in pity and asks him to wash up before going out, he still had blood stains on his shirt.

Taehyung just nods not knowing how to thank the two people who helped him in time he was not able to think straight. He takes whatever clothes were offered to him and after a long time looks at himself in the mirror.

Taehyung was not able to recognize himself. He looked different, distraught, sighing he splashes water on his face and then turns on the shower. The warm shower gives him relief, he closes his eyes staying in the warmth and letting his body get cleansed of all dirt and thoughts.

When he opens his eyes and looks at himself in the mirror, a crescent moon shines on his forehead. He gets scared by the glowing symbol and stumbles back almost slipping but catches the handle on the wall in time. 

Afraid of what he saw, he nervously looks back at his image but there was nothing now, his forehead was clear of any symbol like it never existed and it was just his hallucination.

Scared, he gets out of the shower and dries himself. His hand pauses thinking about something. He looks towards the door then at the clothes that he wore before and takes out a small bottle and drinks the content, emptying the bottle. 

His face scrunches in distaste but thinks become fine after a moment. He clears his throat and comes out to meet the old couple. The old lady with a loose bun and several wrinkles on her face sees him and smiles.

“So handsome you are young man. Come eat before the food gets cold.” Taehyung smiles upon hearing it. He notices they have fed Lizu a meal, the dog was not touching it so the doctor was coaxing it and telling life goes on.

Taehyung feels the warmth run through him. His eyes tear up and he looks down at his plate. The woman serves him a big serving of food. He hides his tears by eating a mouthful to change his mood. The food was good making him eat more than he intended. 

He spends an hour with them and tells them who he is. They were shocked but said nothing about his image or talk about anything related to the matter. Their focus was on the dog and him alone. 

Taehyung decides to make Lizu stay with them for the time being and when he has prepared everything at home, he will come back for the dog again. The old couple agrees to it. They were living alone. They had a daughter who is married and living happily with her family. A company of a dog was a good idea for them.

Thanking the couple several times Taehyung takes his leave but hears the whine of Lizu. The dog was still crying about the loss. This makes Taehyung feel pain in his chest. He sits down in front of Lizu and rubs the face of the dog lovingly.

“I won’t abandon you. Just give me some time. My instincts say it is not the right time for you to come.” Taehyung gets up and runs away from there, not turning back or he would become weak for the dog.

He wanted to first assess the situation and then go back home. He wanted to talk to Namjoon but before he could dial the number, Yoongi calls him.

Enigma of Darkness//VkookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon