Epilogue Part III

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Make yourself a playlist of the most emotional shit you have and cry a lot please.

Please... I hope you cherish this one as much as I did having you all here all these months...

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜


Inside Kanae was seated on the floor, her back against a cushion, looking both happy and visibly exhausted. She was helping their daughter with a puzzle, her gentle hands guiding the little girl's movements. Shizu was wearing a simple pink dress, her hair tied back with a small ribbon, while Kanae was dressed in a comfortable yukata, her hair loosely tied at the nape of her neck, strands escaping to frame her face softly.

"Otousan!" Shizu exclaimed, her smile stretching from ear to ear as she spotted him. Kanae looked up, her expression flooding with relief at his return from his nearly week-long journey.

Y/N felt a pang of guilt, realizing how stressful and anxious his absence must have been for Kanae, especially considering his years of exile. He had wanted to clear everything out with friends for the sake of Kanae and Shizu, but now he saw the emotional cost of his decision.

Kanae managed a small smile as he approached. "Welcome back. We missed you," she said, her voice carrying joy and fatigue.

"I missed you both so much," Y/N replied, bending down to scoop Shizu into his arms. "What have you two been up to?"

Shizu giggled, clinging to her father. "Okaasan and me played! I did many pieces!"

"That's wonderful, sweetheart," Y/N said, kissing her cheek before setting her down gently. He then turned to Kanae, his eyes softening. "How have you been holding up?"

Kanae shrugged slightly, a wry smile on her face. "Just the usual routine, trying to keep this little one entertained. It's been a busy week."

Y/N nodded, understanding the subtext of her words—her struggles were ongoing, but she was managing. "I'm sorry for being away. I should have considered—"

Kanae cut him off, her hand reaching out to touch his arm lightly. "It's alright. You're back now. That's what matters." Her words were forgiving, though the tired tone was hard to miss.

"What's for dinner?" Y/N asked, changing the subject to something more mundane.

"Udon," Kanae replied, her lips curving into a more genuine smile now. "I thought something warm and easy would be nice. Shizu helped me pick the vegetables."

"Udon sounds perfect," Y/N agreed, his stomach rumbling at the thought. "Can I help with anything?"

"Just join us," Kanae said, her fatigue evident. "It's almost ready."

Y/N took Shizu to his room, intending to get her settled so he could help Kanae in the kitchen. Noticing a towel on the dresser, Shizu had an idea. "Tortoise shell!" she declared with glee.

Laughing, Y/N watched as she grabbed the towel, instructing him to kneel so she could drape it across his back, mimicking a tortoise shell. With a few adjustments, Shizu managed to wrap the cloth around Y/N's chest, creating a secure seat for herself. She clambered up and positioned herself so she could cling to his back, her small hands gripping his shoulders securely. This improvised setup was a playful take on the traditional onbuhimo style, where a cloth was used to carry a child on one's back securely.

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