Chapter XII

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Y/N gradually regained consciousness.

 He blinked his eyes open, squinting against the brightness streaming in through an open window. Every movement sent a sharp jolt of pain radiating through his body. His arm was securely bound in a tight bandage, mirroring the pain in his abdomen where similar bandages were in place.

He was wearing a simple shirt and pants, his hand, which had the searing wounds from the lightning strike, was now carefully wrapped and throbbed with a dull, persistent ache.

Frowning, Y/N tried to piece together his current situation. At this moment, he would have preferred death to the pain he felt. Overwhelming exhaustion, disorientation, and an unsettling detachment from his own body plagued him.

His gaze wandered to a nightstand positioned nearby, where pills and medicine bottles had been meticulously arranged. It became apparent that he had been heavily drugged with medicine.

The disorientation began to lift, allowing him to focus on the figure that had just entered. This person's attire was unlike any he had seen before, marked with distinctive features that hinted at their affiliation with some organization.

 Y/N's eyes carefully took in the dark uniform, a modified gakuran jacket paired with hakama pants, bearing the emblem of the brigade. His forearms and shins were wrapped in black, stretchy fabric, securing his sleeves and hakama in place. His feet were clad in plain white tabi socks with reed-colored zori flats.

He also wore dark head coverings with white linings, and a paper-like mask with three dark lines tied around his face. The mask was divided into two sections, one in front and one at the back, with hanging sections left free to facilitate speaking and breathing.|

As Y/N tried to process this unfamiliar presence, his thoughts drifted to the two girls he had seen standing beside the tall man. Relief washed over him as he realized they had been saved, but the memory of Setsuna and Kaito Kocho, their smiles, and the happiness they had brought, still was painful. 

He couldn't help but think of his own family, his mother and siblings, and the haunting image of the Thunder Hashira he had killed.

Attempting to curl into a protective ball, Y/N was reminded of his injuries when pain shot through his chest and abdomen.

 "You're finally awake," the moment was interrupted by the same deep, calm voice he had heard before passing out. 

Y/N looked up to see the towering, blind man entering the room and commenting on his awakening.

"Thank you... for saving me," He managed in a weak and numb voice, Y/N managed to express his gratitude for being saved.

The man's response was nothing but far from warm,  "Saving lives is just part of my duty, your gratitude is noted and appreciated but unrequited, My name is Himejima Gyomei."

 Y/N resisted the urge to retort, though he had already formed an impression of the man as someone who carried an air of superiority. He couldn't help but notice the man holding an ojuzu between his hands, performing a praying motion.

Y/N nodded weakly and struggled to sit up. "Where are Shinobu and Kanae?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

The man raised a brow at the mention of their names. "Who?" he asked.

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief.  "The girls you also saved," he explained, desperation appearing in his voice

The man contemplated for a moment before replying, "Oh, you mean the ones handled by the kakushi? They were sent on their way."

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