Chapter XCV

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As his head tumbled to the floor, Doma thought how pathetic he must seem, defeated by someone like Shinobu—a poisoner, traditionally incapable of decapitating a demon. "She cheated! That mark, making her stronger... Can I grow one too? Is it just a birthmark, or maybe a big mole?"

Doma considered trying to regenerate his head, emulating the feats of Muzan and Akaza. But the thought quickly faded; the effort seemed too monumental for his fading strength, and honestly, he was just too lazy. With a heavy sigh, he resigned himself to his fate.

In his final moments, as the realization of death came to him, Doma felt neither fear nor frustration, he had been unable to feel any real emotions. As his body began to disintegrate, Shinobu approached, lifting his severed head with a triumphant grin.

"How's that for weak, huh? How does it feel knowing you're going to die? To go to hell?" she taunted, her voice with victorious spite.

Doma managed a weak beam. "Ah! Well, I don't feel scared at all! Hell and heaven are just silly bedtime stories humans tell their pathetic children to scare them. They don't exist,"

His body continued to disintegrate, ash moving around as if to mock his death.

Shinobu watched with satisfaction and contemplation in her gaze.

Doma's smile widened. "There is no heaven or hell in this world, you know. They're just fantasies, coping mechanisms for weak humans," he mused with condescension. "That's why I killed those girls! If only Kanae hadn't hidden for years, she'd be living inside me now... or you! But after you die, you will go to a forgotten place. How sad."

Shinobu sighed heavily, with disdain and amusement at his audacity. "Honestly, I've never met such a stupid, brainless, meaningless creature. Your existence is an error of nature."

Doma's smile faltered, turning into a pout at Shinobu's brutal words but his expression brightened. "Your attacks were very beautiful, Shinobu!" he exclaimed, ignoring her insults and focusing on the aesthetics of her combat style.

"I must admit, I'm surprised by your poisoning skills. I didn't notice it had circulated until it was too late."

Shinobu smiled thinly. "A demon called Tamayo helped me perfect it," she explained, her voice softening slightly at the mention of her. "But I'm frustrated that I couldn't kill you on my own. It bothers me that I got Kanae, Kanao, and Inosuke involved. And now, none of us can continue to help the other Demon Slayers defeat Muzan, as we're all injured."

Her smile faded as she contemplated the consequences of their battle.

As the remnants of Doma continued to disintegrate, he gave Shinobu a peculiar look.

"What?" Shinobu asked.

Doma's fading voice held unusual warmth. "I feel like my heart is beating...well if I still had my body. Could it be that I am in love with you, Shinobu?" he asked, almost philosophically. "If love really exists, then perhaps heaven and hell do too. Would you want to go to hell with me, once Muzan kills you and the rest of the slayers?"

Shinobu stared at him, incredulous and repulsed.

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