Chapter XLII

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Reaching the construction site of the railroad, Y/N was in a deserted area, devoid of any human presence. The silence was soon broken by the sounds of a peculiar argument. As he stealthily approached the source of the noise, he overheard a conversation that was both disturbing and oddly casual.

There were three demons engaged in a heated debate. Each demon bore distinct, mostly human-like features, but with certain differences.

The first demon was tall and slender, with skin as dark as the night and eyes that glowed a deep blue. His fingers ended in sharp, claw-like nails, and his hair was a wild tangle of black and red streaks.

The second demon was more muscular, with a hulking figure and skin that had a yellow tone. His face was marked with jagged scars, and his eyes were a piercing yellow. Unlike the first demon, he had two large horns protruding from his forehead.

The third, a female demon, was perhaps the most human-like in appearance. Her skin was a pale blue, almost translucent in the moonlight. Her hair flowed like liquid silver, and her eyes were a shade of pink. 

Their argument revolved around the workers they had just killed at the site. The tall, dark demon was joking about the irony of killing workers at a site meant for transportation, saying, "Isn't it sad? These workers are nothing but skin and bones, no meat in them you'd think the company feeds them well turns out they don't."

The muscular demon joined in facepalming. "You and your fucking annoying comments again?"

The female demon seemed less amused and more focused on their mission. "We're not here for talking. Remember, we were ordered just to kill, not feast. If we start eating them, who knows what kind of punishment we'll face?"

The first demon snorted, "Oh, come on, a little snack wouldn't hurt. I doubt anyone would even notice a missing worker or two."

"Yeah, and besides, who's going to report us? The dead?" The muscular demon laughed.

The female demon shuddered visibly at the thought of defying their orders. "No, we mustn't. I won't risk angering those above us for a simple meal. Stick to the plan."

The first demon was not amused. "I ain't on a fucking diet, I'm hungry! Screw Kibutsuji's orders!" he declared vehemently. No sooner had the name escaped his lips than he realized his grave mistake.

The other two demons gave him a look of sympathy mixed with resignation. The female demon murmured, "Oh... bad luck..."

 "Sucks to be you..." The muscular demon said, almost mockingly.

In a desperate, futile attempt to take back his statement, the first demon pleaded, "No, sorry, please!" But it was too late. The Curse of Kibutsuji was merciless and swift. 

Three demonic arms grotesquely sprouted from his body, crushing him, leaving behind only his eye, an arm, and a gruesome pool of blood.

Y/N chose this moment to step forward, his yari casually resting on his shoulder. "Good night," he greeted the remaining demons nonchalantly. "Your names?"

The two demons, startled by his sudden appearance, quickly regained their composure. The female demon eyed Y/N warily, "Ugh... a Demon Slayer."

The muscular demon glanced disdainfully at the remains of their former companion and said, "That idiot was... fuck I don't think our lord gave him a name... And I am Goro, Lower Moon Three."

 "And I am Hina, Lower Moon Two." The female demon added.

Y/N took in this information, his expression betraying no emotion. Confronted with two Lower Moons so unexpectedly, he remained bored, prepared for whatever came next.

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