Epilogue Part I

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Part 1? Why yes, I was going to make it a huge chapter but I got exhausted from writing, rereading and proofreading this one.

 I know you guys will have to take some breaks reading this one (please do I want you all to enjoy these last moments we have of the book)


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Y/N blinked, his eyes adjusting to the light. The grey smoke surrounding him was disorienting, stretching into the distance with no end. He felt a pit in his stomach. Hadn't he survived? He remembered fighting through agony, the heat, and the final push to end Muzan. Wasn't he just on the battlefield? What was this place?

He felt hollow, alone, and utterly confused. Had he failed? He fought with everything he had, risking everything for the world, for Kanae, and for his family. Why was he here?

Then he heard a voice—gentle, familiar, and compassionate. "Y/N-san."

He turned, and his heart sank. Standing before him was Tamayo. Her presence was both comforting and heartbreaking. She'd been with him throughout the years. But she died, hours before this was over. Why was she here? And what did it mean?

Tamayo stepped closer, her hand reaching up to gently caress his cheek. "Please don't begin blaming yourself, Y/N-san," she said softly.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. "But I..." He sighed as he looked into her eyes. "Why are we here, Tamayo? I don't understand."

She gave him a somber look, her eyes filled with acceptance. "I committed countless atrocities as a demon under Kibutsuji's control. When I... killed my family, I fell into despair and just... continued to kill people," she said, "I was fully aware of those I ate, even if I came to my senses later. I must pay for my sins."

Y/N shook his head, unable to bear the thought of her suffering for all eternity. "You changed. That was a lifetime ago," he said softly, holding her gaze. "You... you're good now. You earned your rest. You helped us defeat Muzan. You saved so many lives."

Tamayo nodded. "Which is why my punishment won't be as severe. I'm just... unable to enter the afterlife. My soul is trapped in this place," she explained.

Y/N stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. The thought of her being in this grey limbo unable to find peace was unbearable. "I would be dead so many times, or worse if it hadn't been for you. I... just wish things were different," he said, his voice cracking with sorrow.

Tamayo returned the hug. "You did what you could, Y/N-san. You fought so hard for everyone. Please, look after Yushiro and Chachamaru for me. They need you,"

Y/N nodded, his eyes stinging with tears. "I will. I promise," he whispered, holding her close, wishing he could take away her pain. "I'm sorry it ended this way for you. You deserved better."

Tamayo smiled gently, resting her head on his shoulder. "It's alright, Y/N-san. This is my penance. Please, don't let it weigh you down. Go back, live your life, and be happy. Take care of those who need you," she said, her words a bittersweet farewell.

Y/N's grip tightened as he felt the sadness. He wanted to stay, to talk to her more, make sure she was okay. But he knew he couldn't. He had to go back, for Kanae, Shizu, and everyone. He gave her one last squeeze with regret.

"Thank you, Tamayo. For everything...I'll never forget you."

Tamayo pulled back, giving him a gentle smile. "Goodbye, Y/N-san," she said, her form starting to fade into the grey emptiness.

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