Chapter LXX

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Okay so Y/N is a hottie we know that, but here is some Kanae appreciation too.

Okay so Y/N is a hottie we know that, but here is some Kanae appreciation too

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(For the life of me I can't find the artist)

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Y/N leaned against the wall, his gaze distant as he listened to Genya's questions. The mention of the shotgun brought a frown to his face. "I'm not giving it back, Genya. You don't need it."

Genya raised an eyebrow, challenging his brother's decision. "And you do?" he retorted, skepticism in his words.

"It can come in handy. You are not going to be killing demons; I already told you," he said, closing the topic with an authority that he rarely used with Genya.

The conversation shifted as Genya asked how Y/N had been managing these last three months, especially since his return to the Butterfly Estate. His thoughts went to the events of the morning—a few hours after his second, more intimate encounter with Kanae.

He hesitated, choosing his words with care, not wanting to reveal too much yet feeling the need to share a fragment of his experiences. "It's been difficult being away...but things are starting to get better...hopefully," he admitted.

Y/N replayed the morning's events, the memories vivid and bringing a warmth that spread through his chest. This morning had been different, unlike last night, fun even.

As he stood there lost in thought, Genya's voice brought him back to the present.

With a deep breath, Y/N turned to face his brother. "You were saying?"

Genya tilted his head. "Are you going to return to the estate again?" he repeated, seeking confirmation of his brother's intentions.

Y/N nodded. "I will... I'll bring my things back and say goodbye to the neighbors at that home, and return here."

"Sanemi barely visits the estate, even when he's injured," Genya mentioned casually.

The mention of their brother caused Y/N to swallow hard, the memory of their last violent encounter. "How is he?" Y/N asked.

Genya shrugged, his expression somber. "He's even... well, more of an asshole now... with everyone, not just me. But when he's alone, I've seen him; he's very quiet and sad. I saw him sobbing one day after shouting his lungs out at two kakushi and then ordered them to leave him be."

"I... doubt an apology will... work."

"... I... I heard rumors, nii-chan. Did... did you?" Genya's implication was clear.

"Yes, Genya, I almost... went too far with him... and I've been thinking about it every day since I left this estate," Y/N confessed.

Genya moved to sit next to him on the grass, their shoulders brushing, "For... what it's worth... I don't think you're a bad man like some slayers are starting to say... I love you. Nothing will change that,."

The World On His Shoulders | Demon slayer x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now